Why pursue a transfer degree at OCCC?
Each year, many Lincoln County students aiming to pursue four-year degrees at Oregon universities begin their studies at Oregon Coast Community College. Doing so allows them to:
- Save thousands of dollars in tuition
- Live here in Lincoln County where they already reside, avoiding costly additional room and board for two years
- Keep their current jobs and continue living with and supporting their families
- Discover the rigor and routines of collegiate study in a friendly, supportive environment
- Help determine which subjects and majors are of the most interest to them before transferring to a university
Completing their first two years at OCCC generally allows them to enter as juniors when they arrive at the university of their choosing. All along the way, these students have ready access to OCCC’s own talented Student Success Coaches for academic advising, and can also keep in touch with advisors at their university, to ensure they stay on track.

Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer Degree
This is a transfer program that may serve the requirements of students transferring to baccalaureate programs at Oregon’s Public Universities. The AAOT has rigorous requirements in mathematics, writing, science, and social studies.
Learning Outcomes
Role Descriptions
The Oregon Transfer Program is designed for students who will continue with upper division studies in Oregon colleges and universities, and who will function as effective citizens in a democratic society and as members of a local and global community.
Intended Learning Outcomes
The Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer Degree is an opportunity for students to complete lower division degree requirements at OCCC. Students who complete this degree will be able to transfer into upper division courses for a baccalaureate degree at any institution in the Oregon University System, having met all lower division general education requirements and being granted junior standing for university registration purposes. Course, class standing or GPA, and requirements for specific majors, departments or schools are not necessarily satisfied by an AAOT degree. All courses should be aligned with the student’s intended program of study and the degree requirements of the baccalaureate institution to which the student plans to transfer. Work with an advisor to ensure the most appropriate selection of courses. Students completing this degree will be able to:
- Communicate effectively by determining the purpose, audience and context of communication, and respond to feedback to improve clarity, coherence and effectiveness in workplace, community and academic pursuits.
- Apply scientific, cultural and political perspectives to natural and social systems and use an understanding of social change and social action to address the consequences of local and global human activity.
- Identify and investigate problems, evaluate information and its sources, and use appropriate methods of reasoning to develop creative and practical solutions to personal, professional and community issues.
- Use an understanding of the variations in human culture, perspectives and forms of expression to constructively address issues that arise out of cultural differences in the workplace and community.
- Demonstrate and apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to enter and succeed in a defined profession or advanced academic program.
The Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer degree is awarded to students who meet the following requirements:
- Associate Degree Comprehensive Requirements
- Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer Degree Requirements:
- All courses must be passed with a grade of “C-“ or better. Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 at the time the AAOT is awarded.
Foundational Requirements
Courses must be a minimum of 3 credits (except for Health/Wellness/Fitness courses, which may be any number of credits)
- Writing*: WR 121 and either WR 122 or WR 227. A student must have at least 8 credits of Writing; WR 123 may be used to complete the 8 credits
- Oral Communication: COMM 111 or COMM 112 or SP 113
- Math*: MTH 105 or higher for which Intermediate Algebra is a prerequisite.
- Health/Wellness/Fitness: One or more courses totaling at least three credits from HE 242, HE 250, HE 254, HE 295 & PE 295, or PE (not including PE 10, PE 199 or PE 299).
Discipline Studies
Students must complete at least 11 Discipline Studies courses from the General Education /Discipline Studies List. All courses in Discipline Studies must be a minimum of 3 credits. A course may count towards foundational requirements or discipline studies but not both.
- Arts and Letters: Complete at least 3 courses chosen from at least two disciplines in the this area
- Social Sciences: Complete at least 4 courses chosen from at least two disciplines in the this area
- Mathematics, Science and Computer Science: Complete at least 4 courses from at least two disciplines in this area, including at least three laboratory courses in biological and/or physical science
- Cultural Literacy: Students must select one course from any of the discipline studies that is designated as meeting the statewide criteria for cultural literacy (as indicated on the General Education /Discipline Studies List). This course can be one of the 11 required Discipline Studies courses.
Elective Credit Requirements
All candidates must complete elective credits to meet the overall requirement of 90 credits for this degree. Elective courses may be any number of credits. Elective credits may include any lower division collegiate course. A maximum of 12 credits of Career and Technical Education courses may be applied to this degree. 1-credit MSD workshops may not be applied to this degree. A maximum of 3 credits of physical education (PE) may be applied to this degree.
Basic Competency Requirements for writing and math will be met by successfully completing these courses. The Information Literacy requirement is satisfied by successful completion of the Writing courses.
Institutional Requirements
- All Foundational Requirements and Discipline Studies courses must be a minimum of three credits, except for Health/Wellness/Fitness courses, which may be any number of credits.
- All courses must be passed with a grade of “C” or better. Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 at the time the AAOT is awarded.
- Complete a minimum of 30 credit hours at Oregon Coast Community College.
Additional Notes
Scheduling requirements and limited resources prevent all courses from being offered every term or every year. Some courses may be offered exclusively via distance delivery. Course numbers, titles, course and program applicability, prerequisites, instructional format, delivery methods, and content may change without notice. Students are advised to consult with an advising specialist each term to select courses, create and maintain personal educational plans, and obtain the most current information.
Oregon Coast Community College is committed to providing equal opportunities for students with disabilities throughout the College community. Students with documented disabilities are entitled to reasonable accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Our philosophy is to maximize your independence and self-reliance, providing a variety of support options to assist you in achieving your educational and/or vocational objectives. To receive services, you must submit documentation of your disabling condition(s) to the Vice President for Student Affairs. To initiate support services, please contact the Vice President for Student Affairs at 541-867-8511. Students are responsible for requesting, in a timely manner, accommodation and documenting the nature and extent of their disability.
Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
The College prohibits unlawful discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, veteran status, age, sexual orientation, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local law in any area, activity or operation of the College. The College also prohibits retaliation against an individual for engaging in activity protected under this policy, and interfering with rights or privileges granted under anti-discrimination laws. In addition, the College complies with applicable provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended), related Executive Orders 11246 and 11375, Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (as amended), Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (“USERRA’), and all local and state civil rights laws. Under this policy, equal opportunity for employment, admission, and participation in the College’s programs, services, and activities will be extended to all persons, and the College will promote equal opportunity and treatment through application of this policy and other College efforts designed for that purpose.
Persons having questions about equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact either:
Vice President for Student Affairs or Director of Human Resources Joy Gutknecht
Questions can also be mailed to their attention at 400 SE College Way, Newport, OR 97366.