OCCC Employee Resources


The instructional links can be found  at  Instructional Resources 


Oregon Coast Community College Mission, Vision and Values

Whether you are joining us as a new employee or have been at the Oregon Coast Community College (OCCC) for some time, we hope you will enjoy your work here and we are glad to have you with us. Your role at OCCC is critical to the success of our students and the mission of the college.

Section A: Vision, Mission, Values and Core Themes

Vision, Mission, Values


Shaping the Future Through Learning.


At Oregon Coast Community College we equip students for success by providing educational pathways and supports in response to the diverse needs of our community.  Through accessible and engaging programs, and a commitment to equitable outcomes, we enrich the economic and civic vitality of Lincoln County and beyond.


The Board of Education, administration, faculty, staff and students of Oregon Coast Community College commit to these values:

  • Accountability: We accept responsibility for our actions and commit to transparent practices.
  • Collaboration: We purposefully build partnerships to achieve common goals.
  • Excellence: We hold ourselves to the highest standards and are committed to continuously improving the work we do.
  • Inspiration: We show curiosity, illuminate new possibilities and ignite the joy of thinking well.
  • Integrity: We act with honesty and authenticity to foster a culture of ethics and respect that embodies our work and serves the community.
  • Learning: We celebrate the life-long process of developing valuable knowledge and skills.
  • Sustainability: We are responsible stewards of our financial, material, natural and human resources.
  • Equity: We embrace diversity and address the inequities and barriers that prevent people from learning and working to their full potential

Core Themes

Student Success

Objective: OCCC will improve post-secondary educational attainment across Lincoln County and close achievement gaps for underserved populations in our community.

At Oregon Coast Community College, we equip students for success in college and in life by providing exemplary teaching, student development programs and support services. Students receive customized and relevant advising and enriched supports to maximize completion and success. In response to the diverse needs and histories of our community we are institutionalizing a philosophy of student success and strengthening the College’s policies, processes, and business practices to facilitate access and completion.

Educational Pathways

Objective: OCCC will offer rigorous and engaging academic programs and educational options comprised of clear pathways to transfer, employment and self-development that enrich individual lives and promote the economic and civic vitality of Lincoln County and beyond.

At Oregon Coast Community College we assess the needs of individuals and employers, and respond by designing pathways and partnerships that address community and regional priorities. We create bridges into our pathways from high school, adult education, non-credit, and other feeders. Educational pathways are accessible through place and modality, and facilitate transitions to transfer or employment. We strengthen the economy and workforce through our business development, career technical and transfer programs. By narrowing achievement gaps in post-secondary education and raising post-secondary educational attainment, we advance the economic and civic vitality of Lincoln County and beyond.

Section B: Diversity

Section B: Diversity

  • B-1 Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity (AA/EEO)

Oregon Coast Community College (OCCC) is an equal opportunity employer that prohibits unlawful discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, veteran status, age, sexual orientation, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local law in any area, activity or operation of the College. The College also prohibits retaliation against an individual for engaging in activity protected under this policy, and interfering with rights or privileges granted under anti-discrimination laws. In addition, the College complies with applicable provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended), related Executive Orders 11246 and 11375, Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (as amended), Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (“USERRA’), and all local and state civil rights laws. Under this policy, equal opportunity for employment, admission, and participation in the College’s programs, services, and activities will be extended to all persons, and the College will promote equal opportunity and treatment through application of this policy and other College efforts designed for that purpose.

Persons having questions about equal opportunity and discrimination should contact either:

Vice President for Student Affairs 541-867-8511

Director Human Resources Joy Gutknecht 541-867-8515     joy.gutknecht@oegoncoast.edu

Questions can also be mailed to their attention at 400 SE College Way, Newport, OR  97366.

  • B-2 Veterans

The Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998 established that veterans need preference for civil service positions during hiring and promotion processes. In 2011, Oregon passed HB 3207 expanding veterans’ preference by requiring that a veteran receive an interview when they meet the requirements of the job. Veterans Preference is applied through the entire hiring process and during any promotion decisions.
OCCC is committed to making good faith efforts to employ qualified covered veterans.

  • B-3 Consensual relationships

Romantic and/or sexual relationships between faculty or other staff and students, or between supervisors and subordinates, are a concern of OCCC in cases where conflict of interest or abuse of power exist. Consensual romantic and/or sexual relationships where a definite power differential between the parties exists, may constitute sexual harassment if the effect of such a relationship interferes with an individual’s academic or professional performance or if it creates an intimidating environment upon its termination. Thus, it is in the interest of OCCC to provide clear direction and educational opportunities to the college community about the potential risks associated with consensual romantic and/or sexual relationships where a definite power differential between the parties exists.

  • B-4 Sexual harassment

OCCC fosters an environment of respect for the dignity and worth of all students and employees of the college, that sexual harassment of students and employees of the college is unacceptable and impermissible conduct that will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. It occurs in a variety of situations that share a common element: the inappropriate introduction of sexual activities or comments into the work or learning situation.

Often, sexual harassment involves relationships of unequal power and contains elements of coercion—as when compliance with requests for sexual favors becomes a criterion for granting work, study, or grading benefits. However, sexual harassment may also involve relationships among equals, as when repeated sexual advances or demeaning verbal behavior have a harmful effect on a person’s ability to study or work in the academic setting.

  • B-5 Discrimination, discriminator harassment, sexual misconduct, and retaliation

OCCC is committed to providing an educational, program, activity, and workplace environment that is inclusive and free of discrimination, discriminatory harassment (including sexual harassment), sexual misconduct, and retaliation, and to the prompt and equitable investigation and resolution of all complaints thereof. In the application of this policy, due consideration will be given to the protection of individual rights to freedom of speech and expression.

  • B-6 Inclusive language and representations in written and spoken communication at OCCC

OCCC values diversity among our faculty, staff, and students and actively supports the use of inclusive language in which the diverse experiences of students, faculty, and staff are represented and valued with equal respect in relation to socioeconomic status, gender, racial background, sexual orientation, and ethnic background.

  • B-7 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), OCCC will endeavor to make a reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of qualified employees with disabilities unless the accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the operation of our business. If you need assistance to perform your job duties because of a physical or mental condition, please contact the Human Resources Manager

Section C: Employment

Section C: Employment

  • C-1 Employment types

There are three employee types at Oregon Coast Community College; Classified, Faculty and Management/Technical/Confidential

CLASSIFIED STAFF positions are quite varied.  Duties include, but are not limited to, administrative support, accounting, student services, financial aid, student advising, aquarists and facilities.  These positions are non-exempt from the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  This employee type is represented by AFT–Oregon Coast United Employees, Local 6020, AFT, AFL-CIO.   Collective Bargaining Agreement – Classified

FACULTY positions provide for-credit instruction in their area of study/expertise. These positions are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). AFT–Oregon Coast United Employees, Local 6020, AFT, AFL-CIO.  Collective Bargaining Agreement – Faculty

MAMANGEMENT/TECHNICAL/CONFIDENTIAL positions are administrative support positions, technical and Executive Management and Junior Executive Management positions.  The confidential positions are non-exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the technical and management positions are exempt from the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA).  These positions are not represented by a bargaining unit.

  • C-2 Hours of operation

College hours of operation are typically 7:30 am to 8:30pm Monday through Thursday and 7:30pm to 5:00pm on Friday.
View hours for all three location at OCCC Hours

Administrative office hours at OCCC are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Employee working hours and workdays may vary depending on department requirements and the nature of the position. Each employee will be assigned a specific work schedule and will be expected to begin and end work accordingly. To accommodate business needs, individual work schedules may be changed on either a short-term or long-term basis.

  • C-3 Criminal background check

Employment at Oregon Coast Community College will require a criminal background check. A pending criminal charge or conviction will not necessarily disqualify an applicant.

  • C-4 Authorization to work/I-9

Employment is contingent upon verification of identity and work authorization as required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. New employees are required to complete the Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9) form on or before their first day of employment. Federal law prohibits OCCC from employing an individual who has not provided documentation for verification within three (3) days of employment.

  • C-5 Personnel files/records

All employee personnel files are officially maintained in the Office of Human Resources. Documents in personnel files include but are not limited to: resumes/vitae; official transcripts (provided by issuing institution); copies of benefit forms; payroll-related forms; letters addressing appointment, salary adjustments, title changes, and position descriptions; probationary reports; performance evaluations; letters of reprimand; employee development and training documentation; and select training records.

An employee or their supervisor may review their personnel file by scheduling an appointment with the Office of Human Resources.

  • C-6  Ethics

Employees of OCCC are public sector employees and shall not use their employment to attain personal benefit. OCCC employees shall avoid acts which place personal or private interests above the pursuit of public interest. Additionally, OCCC employees shall not use their official position or office to obtain financial gain (other than official salary, honoraria, or reimbursement of expenses) for any member of their household or for any business which they or a member of their household are associated.

Employees will notify their Executive Team (ET) member, in writing, of any potential conflict of interest.


The general provisions prohibit certain conduct:

  • The general provisions prohibit certain conduct:
    • You may not use your public position in any way to obtain financial gain for (a) yourself, (b) your household, or (c) a business with which you or a member of your household is associated.
    • You may not solicit or receive, during a calendar year, gifts with an aggregate value of over $50 from a source that has a legislative or administrative interest in your office or position. (Travel reimbursements from the host or sponsor of an office related event are not prohibited.)
    • You may not use government property or facilities for private benefit.
    • Private business shall not be conducted during assigned College working hours.
    • You may not use College supplies, facilities, equipment, and personnel carry out private business.
    • College officials shall not receive private compensation for performing their College duties.
    • You may not use confidential information received because of your OCCC position for private gain.
  • C-7 Standard of Conduct

The Board of Education and the college community believe that certain fundamental standards characterize the institution in which we work and guide us in the accomplishment of our mission. These standards are:
A. The dignity and worth of each individual
B. Effective teaching and learning
C. Educational and personal growth of the individual
D. Open and honest communication
E. Teamwork and cooperation
F. An environment that encourages the expression of diverse ideas and solutions.

See Board of Education Policy #787 -Standards of Conduct

  • C-8  Nepotism

Nepotism is favoritism shown or patronage granted by employees to relatives or close friends. In selecting persons for employment, the applicant best qualified and available to perform in the position should receive the offer of employment. No restriction is placed on hiring persons related through affinity or consanguinity. A person so related at any point in time must not participate either formally or informally in decisions to hire, retain, evaluation, promote, or determine the salary of the other person.

  • C-9 Alternative work schedules

OCCC is open to exploring alternative work schedules that could include flexible time, non-standard workweek employment or other schedules. Requests for alternative work schedules, should initially be discussed with the employee’s immediate supervisor. Any approval of an alternative work schedule should be conveyed to the Office of Human Resources.

  • C-10  Parking on campus

OCCC parking is free to all employees and students. Vehicles may not be left in the parking lot overnight, without approval of direct supervisor and notification to facilities

  • C-11 Identification card

OCCC identification cards are available from Student Services.

OCCC Administrative Policy

Section D: Workplace Safety

Section D: Workplace Safety

  • D-1 Workers compensation and accident/injury reporting

An employee who is injured at work or while performing service incidental to their employment is entitled to worker’s compensation benefits. This allows for the payment of medical expenses. It also allows for the payment of lost wages based on two-thirds of the employee’s wages up to a weekly maximum.

All accidents (whether or not medical attention is necessary) must be immediately reported to the employee’s supervisor. It is the responsibility of the immediate supervisor to investigate all worker’s compensation injuries or illnesses and report these to the Office of Human Resources within 24 hours of an accident by obtaining and completing the required documentation. Further investigation may be made by the Worker’s Compensation Coordinator or the Environmental Health and Safety unit.

Worker’s Compensation- OCCC Process and Procedures

  • D-2 Drug free workplace

OCCC fosters a drug-free, healthful, and safe work environment for all. This applies to all students, employees, and other individuals who perform work for OCCC. The unlawful or unauthorized use, abuse, solicitation, theft, possession, transfer, purchase, sale or distribution of controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, or alcohol by an individual anywhere on OCCC premises, while on OCCC business (whether or not on OCCC premises), or while representing the OCCC, is strictly prohibited. Employees and other individuals who work for OCCC also are prohibited from reporting to work or working while they are using or under the influence of alcohol or any unlawful controlled substances.

OCCC maintains a policy of non-discrimination and will endeavor to make reasonable accommodations to assist individuals recovering from substance and alcohol dependencies, and those who have a medical history which reflects treatment for substance abuse conditions. We encourage employees to seek assistance before their substance abuse or alcohol misuse renders them unable to perform the essential functions of their jobs or jeopardizes the health and safety of any OCCC employee, including themselves.

  • D-3 Smoke free buildings

OCCC provides a smoke-free and tobacco free environment while reasonably accommodating those who do smoke, use smokeless tobacco, or inhalant delivery systems. Smoking is prohibited inside campus buildings and on OCCC property.

In accordance with ORS 167.400, as of January 1, 2018, possession of tobacco products and inhalant delivery systems by persons under the age of 21 is prohibited on all OCCC grounds and property. This includes, but is not limited to: in facility buildings, at facility-sponsored activities, in vehicles on facility grounds on the main campus and at all centers, including satellite properties.

  • D-4 Clery Act

In compliance with the Clery Act, OCCC discloses required information about security and crime on and around the OCCC campus.

The Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 requires all colleges to distribute to students and employees, current policies and procedures for campus security, reporting procedures, and a summary of criminal violations in previous years. The report applies to on-campus violations only.

The Annual Campus Security Report and Clery Act Crime Statistics for OCCC

Lincoln City Crime Stats

Newport Crime Stats

Waldport Crime Stats

In any emergency situation, your first step should be to call 911.

Anytime a student or member of the OCCC faculty or staff sees something suspicious, they are encouraged to report it.

To report suspicious behavior:
Central County Campus in Newport

Chris Rogers, Director  Facilities and Safety, 541-867-8549
Robin Gintner, Vice President  Administrative Services 541-867-8516
Vice President Student Affairs, 541-867-8511

North County Center in Lincoln City
Dave Price, Vice President  Engagement, 541-994-4166 or 541-921-2306
Chris Rogers, Director  Facilities and Safety, 541-867-8549
Robin Gintner, Vice President  Administrative Services 541-867-8516
Vice President Student Affairs, 541-867-8511

South County Center in Waldport
Chris Rogers, Director  Facilities and Safety,, 541-867-8549
Robin Gintner, Vice President  Administrative Services 541-867-8516
Vice President Student Affairs, 541-867-8511

  • D-5 Workplace violence

OCCC is committed to an environment which is safe and free from physical assault, threats, and harassing behaviors for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. All reports of possible workplace violence will be taken seriously by members of the campus community. The emphasis on campus will be proactive. The goals are education and training, early detection and intervention, and fair and expedient resolution.

  • D-6 Mandatory Reporting Requirement for Child Abuse and Neglect

OCCC is committed to protecting the safety and well-being of children and students under the age of 18 who are on College premises, and/or who participate in College-related programs and activities, both on and off campus. The participation of children and students under the age of 18 in these programs and activities requires an increased level of care, and an expectation that College employees will conduct themselves appropriately in the presence of children on campus and/or in College-related programs and activities.

Effective January 1, 2013, all community college employees are required by Oregon law to report suspected cases of child abuse to the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) or law enforcement officials. This duty is personal to the individual community college employee and applies twenty-four hours-a-day, seven days-a-week whether or not you are on work time. You must immediately report to DHS or local law enforcement when you have “reasonable cause to believe” that any child with whom you come in contact with has suffered abuse, or that any person with whom you come in contact has abused a child.

  • D-7 Children in the workplace

Children are welcome on Oregon Coast Community College campuses and properties in appropriate situations and while actively supervised by a parent, guardian, or responsible adult. This statement outlines the College’s approach to ensuring that reasonable steps are taken to protect the study and work environment of the College, and the health, safety, and liability issues associated with children on OCCCC properties.

Children in the Workplace -scope and details

  • D-8 Inclement weather and emergency conditions

The college will develop and maintain a plan specifying procedures to be used in such emergencies as disorderly conduct, unlawful assembly, disturbances at College activities, natural disasters, fire, illness or injury of a student or staff member, and use of force on College property. The college will consult with community and county agencies while developing this plan. The college will conduct emergency drills on an annual basis.

OCCC Emergency Response and Continuity of Operations Plan

  • D-9 Emergency response and preparedness plan

OCCC has an inclement weather plan that provides guidance to the campus community when conditions make travel to and from campus treacherous or other events that cause serious safety concerns. These situations are difficult to predict in advance, and can be difficult to communicate accurately. The College will make every effort to provide accurate information as early as possible. OCCC distributes closure information widely through a number of outlets. It is the responsibility of students, staff and the public to consult these sources to be aware of the closure status of College facilities. The most accurate and timely sources of College Closure information will be:

  1. FlashAlert (no cost subscription service, individuals must enroll, instructions below)Oregon Coast Community College now uses  FlashAlert, an Internet-based system for delivering changes in schedule (such as snow closures). and other news,     to the news media. Message delivery is also available directly to students, staff, faculty and the public through FlashAlert Messenger.
    You may self-register and manage up to three home or office email addresses and receive emergency information moments after we post it, at no cost to you.   To sign up, visit this website.
  2. OCCC Website Homepage
  3. • OCCC Facebook Page

Section E: Workplace Expectations

Section E: Workplace Expectations

  • E-1 Attendance and tardiness

Each OCCC department/unit is responsible for establishing procedures regarding notification of tardiness and absences. In the absence of such a procedure, employees are expected to notify their direct supervisor as early as possible, but no later than the start of the workday, of any unplanned tardiness or absence. Excessive tardiness, excessive absenteeism, or failure to report tardiness or absence could result in disciplinary action.

  • E-2 Work breaks and meal breaks

Hourly (non-exempt) employees are allowed a 15-minute work break during the first half of the workday and another 15-minute work break during the second half of the workday. Work breaks are a privilege granted at the discretion of the supervisor and will not be unreasonably denied.

Work breaks cannot be accumulated or used to compensate for late arrival, early departure from work, or to extend the meal break. Work breaks are not recorded on the timesheet.

The time taken for a meal break is not counted as hours worked and hourly employees should leave their work area during meal breaks. The time scheduled for meal breaks may vary depending on the needs of the work unit and the established work schedule. For example, employees who work from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. will have 1 hour (60 minutes) for lunch. Meal breaks are recorded on the timesheet.

  • E-4 Employee dress and personal appearance

OCCC encourages employees to dress in a way that is comfortable to them while maintaining an appropriate and professional appearance. Natural or artificial scents and poor personal hygiene that become a distraction will be addressed by the immediate supervisor. Appropriate attire should be worn at all times in keeping with commonly recognized standards. Some employees may be required to wear uniforms or safety equipment/clothing. Employees should contact their supervisor for specific information and expectations for their position. Any employee who does not meet the attire or hygiene expectations will be required to take corrective action, for example, leaving the premises to change clothing. Hourly employees will not be compensated for any work time missed because of failure to comply with designated workplace expectation

  • E-5 Use of Information Technology  

Information Technology (IT) provides broad access to information technology resources for OCCC students, faculty and staff for appropriate college-related activities.
Access to IT resources carries with it the responsibility for ensuring the responsible use of these resources.

  • E-6 Political activity

Employees may exercise their right to participate fully in affairs of public interest on a local, county, state and national level on the same basis as any citizen in a comparable position in public or private employment and within in the law.
All College employees are privileged within the limitations imposed by state and federal laws and regulations to choose any side of a particular issue and to support their viewpoints as they desire by vote, discussion or persuading others. Such discussion and persuasion, however, will not be carried on during the performance of College duties, except in open discussion during classroom lessons that consider various candidates for a particular office or various sides of a particular political or civil issue.
On all controversial issues, employees must designate that the viewpoints they represent on the issues are personal and are not to be interpreted as the College’s official viewpoint.
No employee will use College facilities, equipment or supplies in connections with his/her campaigning, nor will he/she use any time during the working day for campaign purposes.

  • E-7 Campus activities participation

Employees are encouraged to participate in campus activities. Participation in such activities during work hours requires supervisor approval. Supervisors will take into account the needs of the unit for employee participation in campus activities.

  • E-8 Workplace Expectations and disciplinary guidelines

Employees shall respect the rights of others, exhibit a level of behavior supporting the College mission, the best interests of the College, perform assigned duties in an orderly and efficient manner, and adhere to all federal and state laws, collective bargaining agreement and OCCC policies and directives. When these expectations are not met, then disciplinary action may be administered.
Discipline is designed to be corrective. Any discipline is considered to be a very serious action that is undertaken with care, objectivity, and full consideration for the rights and interests of both the employee and the College. Discipline shall be administered in a judicious manner that strives to be corrective rather than punitive and appropriate to the offense.

Section F: Leave Time and Reporting

Section F: Leave Time and Reporting

  • F-1 Vacation/annual leave

Eligible employees are granted annual leave time according to their appointment type, appointment percentage and/or years of service. Supervisors will provide employees with annual leave scheduling practices for the unit.

Collective Bargaining Agreement – Classified

  • F-2 Personal holiday

Eligible employees are granted person leave time according to their appointment type and percentage of appointment. Personal hours are allocated on a fiscal basis and cannot be carried over from fiscal year to another.

  • F-3 Legal holidays/Observed days

OCCC is observes through college closure the following holidays and the day after Thanksgiving:

New Year’s Day ( Jan. 1)
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Veterans Day
Presidents Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day ( July 4)
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve Day (Dec. 24)
Christmas Day (Dec. 25)
New Year’s Eve Day (Dec. 31

If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the college will be closed the proceeding workday (typically a Friday).

If a holiday fall on a Sunday, the college will be closed the following workday (typically a Monday).

  • F-4 Sick leave

Eligible employees are granted sick leave according to their appointment type, percentage of appointment and collective bargaining agreement.

  • F-5 Bereavement leave

OCCC provides paid bereavement leave to attend funeral or memorial service, make necessary arrangements and grieve the death of a close family member.
Bereavement leave is available for up to 40 hours. Employee type and percentage of appointment guides the number of hours that will be paid.

  • F-6 Leave of absence

Leaves of absence may fall into one of the following categories: medical (which may or may not be covered under FMLA/OFLA), non-medical, and military. Depending on the employee type, length of leave, type of leave and other factors the employee may be on a paid or un-paid leave of absence.

  • F-7 Family medical leave act (FMLA and OFMLA)

Medical leaves of absence may be available for employees who need leave due to a serious medical condition or to care for family members. Such leaves may qualify under the FMLA

or OFLA for job reinstatement and benefits continuation rights. Regardless of whether or not the leave qualifies as FMLA or OFLA, the employee must formally request a leave of absence through the Office of Human Resources.

Family medical leave is guided by two laws: The federal Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) and the Oregon Family Leave Act.


  • F-8 Jury duty

OCCC employees summoned for jury duty are entitled to leave with pay. While on jury duty you will receive your regular salary. Any per diem fees received for a day(s) that would otherwise be a paid workday, will be paid to the College.

Section G: Payroll Information

Section G: Payroll Information

  • G-1 Pay information

Oregon Coast Community Colleges pays on a monthly schedule. Pay day is the 5th of the month. If the 5th falls on a week-end, payday will be on the proceeding Friday.

  • G-2 Reporting time

Employees are expected to accurately record their absences from work utilizing the leave balances available to them, according to their employee type.

The use of vacation/annual leave, sick leave and/or personal holiday time can be used up to 40 hours a week. These leave types have no cash value and may not be used alone or with time worked to extend the work week hours past 40 hours.

Hourly employees are encouraged to enter hours daily. Hours can be updated as needed and entered from remote locations (ie: remote worksites, meetings and/or conferences).

To allow for the timely processing of payroll, follow the 2019-20 Payroll calendar dates for hour entry, and submission to Payroll. Supervisors will work with staff in their area to establish individual processes for submission.

Time and leave reports are legal documents. Altering, falsifying or tampering with a leave report or time report is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. It is the employee’s responsibility to sign or electronically submit their leave report or time report to certify the accuracy of all leave or time recorded. If any errors or adjustments are needed on previously submitted leave or time reports, employees should work with their supervisor to correct the report.

  Payroll Calendar

The 2024 -2025 Payroll calendar provides detail on payday, paid holidays, classified holidays, submission to payroll dates and submission dates, along with the number of days that classified employee will be paid in the month.

  • G-3  Payroll Advances

Employees may take an advance up to 70% of the gross earnings at the date of the disbursement. Advance requests are due by the 10th of the month. If the 10th falls on a weekend the request must be completed by the proceeding Friday.

Advances are available for pick up after 12 noon on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend, the advance will be available the proceeding Friday.

Advance checks can be picked from the Accounting Specialist in the Administrative Suite.

OCCC offers payroll deductions:

  • OCCC Insurance Programs
  • 403b
  • OCCC Foundation contributions

Child support payments and garnishments will be deducted as required by State and Federal Law.

Section H: Benefits

Section H: Benefits


  • H-1 Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance

OCCC offers comprehensive medical, prescription drug, dental and vision insurance to eligible employees and their eligible family members. OCCC insurance programs are administered by the OEBB (Oregon Employees Benefits Board). OCCC provided premium support based upon medical insurance coverage level.
New employees and those who are newly eligible are granted a 30-day enrollment period upon their initial hire/eligibility date. Employees with health insurance have an annual opportunity to make changes during the annual benefits open enrollment period each fall.

  1. Medical Insurance
  2. Dental Insurance
  3. Vision Insurance.
  4. OCCC Premium Support

 Enrollment 2020-21

  • H-2 Required Life, AD&D and Long term disability insurance

OCCC provides life, AD&D and long-term disability insurance to eligible employees. These insurance programs are administered by the OEBB (Oregon Employees Benefits Board). OCCC pays the premium for these three (3) insurances.

  1. Life Insurance
  2. AD&D
  3. Long Term Disability
  • H3-  Optional Insurances

OCCC provides option Life, AD&D and short-term disability insurance to eligible employees and their eligible dependents. These insurance programs are administered by the OEBB (Oregon Employees Benefits Board). Optional insurance premiums are the responsibility of the employee.

  1. Optional Life Insurance
  2. AD&D Insurance
  3. Short Term Disability Insurance
  • H-4 Flexible spending account (FSA)

The FSA program allows you to set aside money on a pre-tax basis to pay for eligible medical and dependent care expenses annually. Employees can decide how much to set aside and that amount is deducted from each paycheck before federal, state and FICA taxes are calculated so you save money on taxes.

Healthcare FSA is used to pay for eligible medical, dental, vision and prescription expenses that aren’t covered by your insurance. Employees who are enrolled in a high deductible health plan are NOT eligible for a healthcare FSA.

Dependent Day Care FSA is used to pay for eligible dependent care expenses such as after school care, baby- sitting fees, adult or child daycare and preschool.

OCCC uses Diversified Benefits SErvices (DBS) to administer our FSA.

  1. Health Care FSA
  2. Dependent Day Care FSA
  • H-5 Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)

The HRA (Health Reimbursement Arrangement) is an IRS sanctioned employer (OCCC) health benefit plan that reimburse employees for out of pocket medical expenses.An Employee will never put money into the HRA.

The HRA allows OCCC to offer a $300 deductible and an out of pocket maximum of $2,900 per person (up to 3 people).

lHRA Detail

  • H-6 Health insurance marketplace

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires employees to obtain health insurance for themselves and their dependents or pay a penalty when filling tax returns. The health insurance marketplace is a new option for people to obtain health insurance.

OCCC Marketplace Information

Planning Your Future

  • H-7 Oregon Retirement (PERS) and Additional Retirement Funds

Learn more about PERS and other retirement funds that OCCC offers on this web page.

  • H-8 Employee assistance program (EAP)

EAP is available to all employees eligible for OCCC medical insurance.

OCCC’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is administered by Reliant Behavioral Health (RBH). The EAP provides services to help people privately resolve problems that may interfere with work, family, and other important areas of life. The EAP provides FREE and confidential services to eligible employees, their spouses or domestic partners, dependents, and household members, related or not.

EAP detail-

EAP Resources 2023-24 (English)

EAP Resources 2023-24 (Spanish)

Section I: Employee Relations

Section I: Employee Relations

  • I-1 Career Opportunity

Employment opportunities at Oregon Coast Community College are posted on the OCCC employment opportunities website: Oregon Coast Community College Career Opportunities

Notice of Affirmative Action Policy- It is the policy of Oregon Coast Community College not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or family relationship (ORS 659.340), in admission and access to, or treatment in, employment, educational programs, or activity as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, and their implementing regulations.

Please contact Human Resources if you have a special need/accommodation to aid your participation in our hiring process.

  • I-2 Position descriptions

Creating and maintaining an accurate position description helps an employee know what the job expectations are by clearly defining the work to be performed in relation to the overall goals of the work unit. The position description outlines the position title, work unit, position type, and percentage of appointment, the physical requirements, and thefunctions of the job. The position description is used by management in the recruitment and selection, training and development and performance evaluation of the employee.

The Office of Human Resources assigns each position to a specific title and salary range based upon a review of the functions of the job. The position descriptions are maintained by Human Resources. The position description should be reviewed by the supervisor and the employee during the annual performance evaluation process.

  • I-3 Probationary period

Probationary period is designed to give the employee and their supervisor a time frame, to see if there is a suitable match. The status allows a supervisor to evaluate skills and abilities of the newly hired worker and see their engagement in the organizational culture. For the employee, this status allows the individual an opportunity to engage in the organizational culture and determine if the position fits with their skills and abilities.

Collective Bargaining Agreement – Classified

Collective Bargaining Agreement – Faculty

  • I-4 Performance evaluations

The Oregon Coast Community College (OCCC) is committed to providing a performance evaluation for all faculty and staff. The method to document position expectations and results is accomplished through a performance appraisal process.

Faculty Review

Oregon Coast Community College (OCCC) is committed to the ensuring that all faculty have an evaluation that provides an opportunity for an interactive conversation that leads to professional growth and acknowledgement of the faculty commitments for student success.

Classified, Confidential (Non-exempt) Employee Review

Management , Technical (Exempt Employee) Review

  • I-5 Collective Bargaining Agreement: Faculty

Oregon Coast Community College has an agreement with AFT-Oregon Coast United Employees, Local 6020, AFT, 61 AFL-CIO – Faculty

Collective Bargaining Agreement: Faculty

  • I-6  Collective Bargaining Agreement: Classified

Oregon Coast Community College has an agreement with AFT-Oregon Coast United Employees, Local 6020, AFT, 61 AFL-CIO – Classified

Collective Bargaining Agreement- Classified

  • I-7 Grievance procedures

A grievance is a written complaint by an employee requesting relief in a matter which is of concern or dissatisfaction. Grievances related to items that are identified in the Collective Bargaining Agreement will use the identified process. All other grievances will use the Employee Grievance procedure.

Prior to filing a grievance, an attempt should be made, if possible, to resolve the issue through discussion between the employee and supervisor. Employees may request assistance from the Office of Human Resources to facilitate a fair resolution.

Employee Grievance

  • I-8 Governance

The College Council is a forum for all constituencies to discuss college-wide issues in an open and inclusive atmosphere. The council promotes cooperation and mutual understanding among the various campus groups and committees as it considers matters related to fulfilling the college mission. Guided by OCCC’s stated values, individuals and groups share expertise, ask pertinent questions, develop recommendations, and advise the president on issues that affect the college. The College Council is a forum for all constituencies to discuss college-wide issues in an open and inclusive atmosphere. The council promotes cooperation and mutual understanding among the various campus groups and committees as it considers matters related to fulfilling the college mission. Guided by OCCC’s stated values, individuals and groups share expertise, ask pertinent questions, develop recommendations, and advise the president on issues that affect the college.

College Council

Section J: Exiting Employment

Section J: Exiting Employment

Guide for exiting employees

As you leave Oregon Coast Community College (OCCC) to start a new chapter in your life, there are responsibilities that you have to ensure a successful employment separation process. This page is presented by Human Resources to provide you with the tools to help manage your exit from OCCC.

Section K: Administrative Policy

Section K: Administrative Policy

Administrative policies are brought to the Executive Team (ET) for approval, by the ET member from the topical area.  Approved policies are then published on the website and placed on the agenda for the Board of Education and  CoCo, as informational items.

Approved Administrative policy can be found at:  Administrative Policy – Oregon Coast Community College

last updated 3.10.21

Section L: Summer Hours

Section L: Summer Hours

Oregon Coast Community College (OCCC) operates five (5) days a week, with core staffing hours being 8am to 5pm (9 hours) with a one (1) hour lunch for a total of eight (8) hours per day.  With supervisor approval, there may be variations of start and end times to equal eight (8) hours per day five (5) per week for full time (100%) employees. There are OCCC positions that work non-traditional hours, this change may not impact them.

In 2017 the college changed core staffing hours for the summer, changing the number of days Oregon Coast Community College was open per week to 4 days that were 10 hours long.  Each year the operational needs of the College are assessed to ensure that changing the core staffing hours supports the needs the College and encourages students’ success.

As indicated in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Article VIII -WORK DAYS, WORK WEEK, WORK YEAR – The College retains discretion to set schedules according to the needs of the College, including, without limitations, determining the day on which the College is open or closed.


Core staffing hours change the second week following graduation and end the week of Labor Day.

Summer 2024
Week of June 23 -First 10 hour week starts 6.24.24

  • Summer work hours: 7:30 am to 6:00 pm – with 30 minutes unpaid lunch break

Week of September 1
Monday, September 2- Labor Day Holiday (college closed/observed holiday)
Tuesday, September 3- return to 8 hour days


Question: Why is the OCCC doing this?

ANSWER: There are several reasons.

  • Summer enrollment has historically been low with little activity on Friday.
  • It is nice for staff to have additional time with family and friends.
  • It helps with facilities cost to have daily use reduced by one day.

Question: What if I only want to work 8 hours each day?

ANSWER:  You can use 2 hours of vacation/personal time each day to bring the daily total to 10 hours.  You will need to work with your supervisor to prioritize your workload to accommodate the 8 hours of leave each week.

Question: What about the July 4th holiday?

ANSWER:  The campus will be closed on Thursday July 4, 2024.  Per collective bargaining agreements and MC guidelines, full time employees will have 10 hours of holiday time allocated for this holiday.  Part time employees will have their time prorated.

last updated 6.14.24


The Oregon Coast Community College (OCCC) Employee Resources  page has been prepared to assist you in finding the answers to questions that you may have regarding your employment with OCCC. We do not expect the Employee Resources page to answer all of your questions. Your supervisor and the Office of Human Resources should also be a major source of information on specific procedures