Aquarium Science Program Staff
Another important and essential part of the unique educational experience for AQS students is the opportunity to learn from professional aquarists on and off campus. Aquarium Science students get detailed instruction on a daily basis in the program’s Teaching Aquarium, where they learn from aquarium professionals about animal nutrition, proactive system maintenance, life support projects, and many other aspects of aquatic animal husbandry.
Students also work with and learn from professional aquarists in the classroom, as most program instructors are aquarium professionals with many years of experience working at different types of facilities. This provides unparalleled access to real world applications of scientific concepts from instructors who are as skilled in the classroom as they are on the job in public aquaria, world-class marine science research facilities, hatchery research centers and other institutions. Rather than delivering instruction in abstract terms, our instructors provide crucially important context for the material, helping students to not only learn but also be able to apply and retain what they are learning.
If you’re interested in an immersive aquarium science education and the opportunity to work with and learn from professional aquarists, here are the AQS staff members who will help prepare you for success in the program and after graduation:

Larry Boles
Director, Aquarium Science Program
Administration, Aquarium Science
Larry Boles is a native of North Carolina and studied Biology and Chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He earned a Master’s degree in Marine Fisheries Science from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science at the College of William & Mary in Virginia, where he focused on the behavioral ecology of crustaceans, including crabs and lobsters. Larry’s biological field work includes extensive experience in the Bahamas and Florida Keys as well as projects in the Chesapeake Bay, the Hudson River Estuary in New York, and animal collecting in Puget Sound, Washington. After teaching at Old Dominion University in Virginia and Southwestern University in Texas, Larry transitioned to working in Zoos, Aquariums, and Natural Science Centers where he has been involved in animal care and informal science education for many years. Larry joins OCCC after a short stint as the Assistant Husbandry Curator at the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher. Before that he worked several years as a Research Associate for Walt Disney’s Animal Programs at the Seas with Nemo and Friends, Epcot Center. His work with Disney’s Aquarium and Veterinary staff included research on improving the welfare and health care of animals in human care and on improving techniques for the restoration of coral reefs in the Caribbean.
“I am honored and excited to be part of the Aquarium Science team at OCCC. The program provides a unique curriculum and unparalleled staff and faculty that prepare students to become future leaders in the Aquarium industry.”
Dr. Tim Miller-Morgan, DVM, is originally from Tacoma, WA and has been residing on the Oregon Coast in Newport for 19 years. Dr. Miller-Morgan has earned a B.S. in Biology from the University of Puget Sound and a B.S. in Wildlife Biology from Washington State University. He later achieved his Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine at Washington State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. He currently works in the capacities as the Lead for the Animal Health Program, Extension Veterinarian of Aquatic Species for Oregon Sea Grant, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, at Oregon State University and Hatfield Marine Science Center. Dr. Tim has been an integral part in the development and delivery of the Aquarium Science Program since its beginning in 2003 and currently teaches Fish and Invertebrate Health Management (AQS 270) and Animal Husbandry in a Research Capacity (AQS 245) for the program.
“The AQS program is truly a one-of-a-kind program. We are in a very beautiful location (Newport) with a tremendous amount of resources to provide students with a very unique learning experience. Through our staff and local partner institutions we have developed a wonderful learning community that fully supports our students as they walk the path to become aquatic husbandry professionals. For me it is a privilege to be a part of this great community of students and educators.”

Kevin Clifford
Aquarium Science Faculty
Aquarium Science, Faculty
Kevin teaches Introduction to Aquarium Science (AQS 100) and the Aquarium Science Practicum Courses (AQS 110 and 111). In addition to teaching, he is the Special Projects Coordinator at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. A native of Massachusetts, Kevin attended UMASS Dartmouth where he received his Bachelor of Science degree. Prior to Oregon Coast Aquarium and OCCC, Kevin worked at Disney World and the New England Aquarium. Kevin has also been involved with the Aquarium Science Program as a student practicum and intern mentor since its early stages of development.
“Having been involved in the OCCC Aquarium Science Program since its planning stages. I have seen this program grow and evolve successfully in preparing students as professionals for our industry. As an aquarium science faculty member, I am pleased to be part of the role in shaping the education of future aquarists.”
Rose grew up on the Oregon coast in Lincoln City. After receiving her B.S. in Environmental Science from Linfield College, she worked in outdoor and marine science education for about five years. It was at one of these camps on Catalina Island where she rediscovered her love of the ocean, working with animals, and education. She earned a One-Year certificate in Aquarium Science in 2016. She has worked at the Oregon Coast Aquarium as an Intern, seasonal educator, and sleepover attendant. She also has worked at the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium in Salt Lake City, UT as an Aquarist. A few internships and aquarist positions later she is happy to be back in Newport as an aquarist for the AQS Program.
“It is wonderful to be a part of this unique program and guide the next generation of aquarists.”

Grace Otis
Aquarium Science, Faculty
Grace is originally from Corvallis, Oregon. Drawn to Newport by the hands-on education in offered by the Aquarium Science program, she recently completed her Associate of Applied Science in Aquarium Science at Oregon Coast Community College. During her time in the AQS Program, Grace worked in the bird department at the Oregon Coast Aquarium as one of her practicum experiences. There, she fell in love with the department (both the human part and the bird part!) and, after graduation, she was hired as a full-time aviculturist at the Oregon Coast Aquarium.
“I am eager to share my passion for excellent animal husbandry concerning both birds and fish with AQS students!”

Trevor Erdmann
Aquarium Science Instructor
Aquarium Science, Faculty
Originally from Salt Lake City, UT, Trevor started his first aquarist internship in 2003 at the Living Planet Aquarium while in high school. He helped open up their first public facility in 2004, an approx. 12,000 ft2 “taster exhibit.” In 2005, he started college at the University of Alaska, Southeast in Juneau. He spent the summer after his first year of college helping the Living Planet open up a second facility, this time 3.5 times larger at 42,000 ft2. Back at college, he started working and volunteering at the Macaulay Salmon Hatchery in Juneau, caring for their displays and learning about the salmon life cycle. He graduated from UAS in 2010 with a BS in Marine Biology. In 2012, he was hired back on full time to the animal husbandry team at Living Planet Aquarium, and immediately started working on the company’s third and final permanent, world-class facility, helping build all of the life support components for 75 exhibit displays. In February 2015, he joined the Fish and Invertebrate team at the Oregon Coast Aquarium, where he is currently a Senior Aquarist. In 2017, he started teaching the AQS 240 class, Life Support System Design and Installation. When he is not teaching, Trevor also acts as a Senior Life Support Technician and Special Projects Aquarist for the Aquarium Science building, helping students with complex system projects and maintaining and fixing life support components.
“This program is such a unique educational experience and I am thrilled to be able to be part of it. I hope to pass on my knowledge and experience to the next generation of Animal Keepers and make this program better for future students.”