Credit for Prior Learning Opportunities
Oregon Coast Community College believes that college level learning takes place outside the traditional college class. Below are the approved opportunities that individuals can demonstrate college level learning and earn OCCC course credit. We believe that credit for prior learning saves students time, money, and recognizes college level learning from life experiences.
We recommend reviewing the courses required for a particular certificate or degree and noting which courses can be completed through one of the options listed below.
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is best determined prior to your first term. Knowing what courses and credits you have earned from any of the options below assists you and your Success Coach to build a more accurate educational plan of your courses. CPL will be added to your academic transcript once validated. Only students admitted and enrolled are eligible to have transcripts available to be sent to other institutions or employers – you cannot obtain a transcript from OCCC that only contains CPL credit.
Unless noted below, official score reports, transcripts, or copies of certificates and licenses are to be submitted to the Registrar via email along with the Request for Transfer or CPL (Credit for Prior Learning) Credit Evaluation form, electronic transcripts, official score reports, certifications, or licenses. If not available in electronic form, documents may be sent by snail mail to:
Oregon Coast Community College
400 SE College Way
Newport, OR 97366
See Board Policy 4235, Administrative Procedures 4235 and 4236 for more information about Credit for Prior Learning at Oregon Coast Community College.
Credit by Exam
High School Students Only
Advanced Placement (AP) – these exams are offered by the College Board to students in identified high school courses. AP courses that prepare students for the exam are offered at most high schools.
International Baccalaureate (IB) – (Newport High School) – These exams are offered by the International Baccalaureate Organization in high schools where IB courses are taught.
Visit the OCCC Transcript website to learn more about which exams and scores will earn which credits at OCCC and find information on how to request credit from OCCC.
How to submit your scores
Official score reports, transcripts, or copies of certificates and licenses are to be submitted to the Registrar via email along with the Request for Transfer or CPL (Credit for Prior Learning) Credit Evaluation form, electronic transcripts, official score reports, certifications, or licenses. If not available in electronic form, documents may be sent by snail mail to:
Oregon Coast Community College
400 SE College Way
Newport, OR 97366

All Prospective and Current Students:
CLEP (College-Level Examination Program)
Register to take your CLEP remotely, not at a test center. (Use this website to do so.) Don’t have a reliable computer, a quiet space to test, or dependable Internet access? You can reserve a study room and computer suitable for remote CLEP testing at the library on the Newport campus or at the College’s North County Center in Lincoln City.
Increase the possibility of earning credit by taking a FREE CLEP test preparation course in the subject area you are interested in from Successfully complete the preparation course for a subject and earn a test voucher for the CLEP test fee.
Approved CLEP Tests
View the list of accepted CLEP Exams, required scores and courses awarded.
OCCC is an authorized DSST Test Center. You can register with DSST to take the exam at the Newport campus.
Active military, including Coast Guard, are not charged a test fee by DSST for the first attempt if valid ID is presented. See the DSST web site for more information on who is eligible and how to test for free.
Approved DSST Tests
List of accepted DSST Exams, required scores and courses awarded.
GED + College Credit
GED® students who earn a 175 or higher on the GED® Math exam are eligible to receive credit for MTH 111z – College Algebra.
- Obtain your official transcript from GED.
- Apply for and be admitted to OCCC.
- Contact the Title II Specialist at 541-867-8535 to complete the request for math credits.

Select a Subscription. This is how long you will have to complete the ALEKS course, going at your own pace. Three (3) months is a typical term in which you would spend about 40-60 hours in a math course.
Create an account – you will create a new student account and Select “Higher Education Math” for the “Market” drop-down.
Select the Math Class you will pursue for credit: OCCC will grant credit for the following math classes:
ALEKS Course | ALEKS Course Number | OCCC Course Equivalency | Credits Awarded |
College Algebra | ALEK-0003 | MTH 111Z | 4 credits |
College Algebra w/ Trigonometry | ALEK-0004 | MTH 111Z & MTH 112Z | 8 credits |
Intermediate Algebra | ALEK-0002 | MTH 95 | 4 credits |
Precalculus | ALEK-0005 | MTH 111Z | 4 credits |
Introduction to Statistics | ALEK-0007 | STAT 243Z | 4 credits |
Request that a transcript be sent to the Registrar at OCCC by completing this form from ACE. Fill in the blanks, save the form, then send it to Visit the ACE College Credit Recommendation Service for more information.
Contact ALEKS support number to help with any additional questions – (800) 258-2374.
Credit for Certification/Licensure
Nursing & Allied Health
Medical Terminology (MP 111) – This course is a required pre-requisite for the nursing program. Individuals who have worked in the healthcare environment may have learned sufficient medical related terminology to successfully pass a challenge test for this course. Review the course description in the college catalog to understand the purpose of the course and content of the challenge exam. Contact the Nursing Department at 541-867-8548 to schedule a time to take the challenge test. (Have additional questions? Use our 24/7 form!)
HE 112: Standard First Aid and Emergency Care – Presentation of a valid certification for first aid and CPR will result in credit for this health course. Note that different programs will require specific certification based on the standards of their professional organizations.
Healthcare programs: Rapid Rescue or Toledo Fire
Early Childhood: ASHI CPR BLS and include infant CPR
All other programs that have HE 112 meeting a requirement accept the above and Red Cross certification.
Submit a copy of the certification card, front and back, along with the Request for Transfer or CPL (Credit for Prior Learning) Credit Evaluation form to the Registrar.
Early Childhood Education
ECE Step 7 Certification: ED 120, 232; ECE 121; HEC 201
Early childhood employees pursuing the Early Childhood certificate can be granted credit for these four courses based on the training completed to have a Step 7 level certification. Review additional information on the ECE program website.
Submit valid CDA Step 7 certification to the Registrar.