Step 1: Instructor qualification review

  1. If you are a high school faculty member interested in articulating with OCCC, you must submit the following required documentation to
    • An official copy of your college transcripts (web transcripts are not acceptable).
    • A current detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume.
    • Career & Technical Education faculty should also include a detailed work history summary of related industry experience.
  2. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will decide if you meet the posted qualifications necessary.
    • You must meet or exceed one of the qualification options at the Vice President’s discretion.
    • High school faculty are not OCCC employees, and therefore do not have the same competitive hiring practices as on-campus faculty.
  3. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will review and (if approved) sign the instructor approval form (IAF). The IAF will then be processed for review and approval.
  4. Once the documents are returned to the Office of Instruction, you will be notified by your Dual Credit Coordinator.
  5. See Step 2.

New faculty approval timeline

High school faculty who are interested in establishing an articulation with OCCC to grant credit for the next academic year need to have their required documents submitted to the OCCC Dual Credit office no later than April. Any requests received after April will be placed in an approval queue for the following academic year.

Step 2: Course review

  1. An OCCC instructor will be assigned as your faculty liaison, establishing a collegial relationship based on guidance and encouragement.
    • Your liaison will lead you through the alignment process, assuring that your course mirrors that of an on-campus course.
    • They will review your course and discuss pertinent information about the department, as well as provide suggestions for resources, access to texts and articles, possible speakers, and hands-on activities.
    • The schedule of learning activities and outcomes should line up directly with the department’s CCOGs (Course Content and Outcome Guides). These can also be provided by request via email to
  2. In compliance with the Oregon State Dual Credit standards, all OCCC courses must have a syllabus on record for each class taught.
    • All high school Dual Credit faculty are required to submit a syllabus each term for all articulating courses. Send your completed syllabus to
      • You must also inform the Dual Credit office of your articulated course offerings (teaching schedule for Dual Credit classes).
    • If you don’t have a previous Dual Credit articulation agreement:
      • You will get a copy of the course syllabus template, which contains all of OCCC’s required information as well as federally-required statements such as ADA and Title IX. Contact the Office of Instruction for a current template if your faculty liaison has not provided one yet. Your faculty liaison may also provide copies of their college syllabi for the same course for you to reference.
      • Your faculty liaison will then review your syllabus rough drafts and work with you to make changes so that the syllabus meets the expectations for the same course at PCC.
    • If you do have a continuing OCCC Dual Credit articulation agreement:
      • You simply need to update the dates of your course and submit the updated syllabus.
      • If your course content has changed, you must resubmit your syllabus for approval – the contract with OCCC is based on the specific syllabus originally approved. Let us know if this is the case so that we can send your syllabus to the appropriate OCCC faculty as soon as possible.
  3. If your syllabus aligns well with similar courses taught at OCCC, you will be notified that the syllabus is approved. All syllabi for new courses should be approved the term prior to the term in which the class is to be taught, at the latest.
  4. See Step 3: Articulation agreement.

Step 3: Articulation agreement

  1. Once you’ve gotten the necessary instructor and course approvals, the Dual Credit office will create an articulation agreement.
    • This agreement is a legally binding contract between OCCC, the Dual Credit program, and your high school. All parties should take care to read the entire document and know what they are agreeing to.
    • The agreement states the responsibilities of all parties required to electronically sign – the high school instructor and administrator, faculty liaison, and Vice President of Academic Affairs.
  2. You will then receive a 1-year initial articulation agreement for the current school year.
    • Courses included in the 1-year initial articulation agreement must be assessed during that academic year for the agreement to move on to a 3-year renewal articulation agreement. Courses must then be assessed at least once during those three years.

OCCC is an accredited community college. To remain true to our vision and uphold our standards, outside offering of credit should be by contract only. Copies of all articulation agreements are available and filed in the Office of Instruction.