The OCCC Foundation

The Mission of the Oregon Coast Community College Foundation is to advance educational opportunities at OCCC by raising funds for college needs and increasing public awareness of the College and its many benefits. The Foundation fulfills its mission by securing private donations, applying for grants, holding special events and fundraisers, stewarding resources, and administering special programs, such as the OCCC Foundation Scholarship program.

You can support OCCC students through the Foundation

The OCCC Foundation provides the opportunity for individuals, families, businesses, and corporations to invest in the future of the College and the community it serves.

There are numerous ways to make a gift to the Foundation:


Scholarship Donations

The OCCC Foundation provides vital scholarships for economically challenged students and supports the growth of new academic programs to meet the evolving needs of our community. We could not do it without the support of generous donors like you. Thank you for supporting local access to higher education. 

General Scholarship applications are accepted each year from early February through mid-March, with awards for the following academic year announced in early June.

Visit scholarships to learn more about individual scholarships and application openings. To donate and change student’s life, contact the Director of Development at 541.837.8531 or

Alumni Association

Calling all OCCC alumni! Whether you graduated a few months ago or a few years ago, you’re still part of our community. Looking for ways to connect with other alumni or current students? Want to stay in touch with what’s happening on campus? There are so many ways to be involved as an OCCC alum by joining the Alumni Association. Click here to sign up.

How to Donate to the Foundation

Credit card donations may also be made by calling the Director of Advancement at 541-867-8531.

Checks and money orders should be made payable to the OCCC Foundation and mailed (address below).

Cash donations may be delivered directly to the Foundation office (address below).

Jeanette Campagna​

Director of Advancement

Oregon Coast Community College
400 SE College Way
Newport, OR 97366


To make an online donation using our secure portal, click the button below.  You can make a one-time contribution, become a sustaining supporter by setting up a recurring gift, or make a pledge and set up an installment plan.

To make an online donation using our secure portal, click the button below.  You can make a one-time contribution, become a sustaining supporter by setting up a recurring gift, or make a pledge and set up an installment plan.


In 2020, the OCCC Foundation was awarded the highest, Platinum Level of Transparency from GuideStar/Candid, an independent nonprofit organization that evaluates the efficacy of nonprofit organizations world-wide.

The Foundation and its Board of Directors strictly adhere to the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) “Donor Bill of Rights” and “Code of Ethical Standards.”

More Ways to Donate

Planning & Giving Bequests

Many people would like to make larger charitable gifts to support the organizations and institutions they care most about. But concerns about personal and family financial security may make these gifts seem impossible. By using a carefully designed method of planned giving, a donor may fulfill charitable wishes, while enhancing the family’s financial security. Foundation staff is available to work with donors and their tax advisors to explore contribution possibilities.


Gifts of securities such as stock certificates can be donated to the College through the Foundation’s brokerage firm. Donors should work with their brokers in order to avoid any complications.

Real Estate & Personal Property

Gifts of real estate or personal property may be transferred to the Foundation after the Board of Directors agrees to accept and administer such gifts. If owned outright, delivery of a deed of conveyance, such as a warranty deed or bargain and sale deed is sufficient to transfer real estate. A written description of the assets and a statement of intention to give irrevocably should accompany the transference of the personal property.

Matching Gifts

Some companies have established matching gift programs to encourage contributions by their employees to support educational institutions or other non-profit organizations. These programs allow the donor to double or even triple their gift.

Amazon Smile

You can support the OCCC Foundation through Amazon Smile, a program that provides contributions to your favorite charity whenever you purchase eligible products using your Amazon account. To learn more and sign up, please visit this page, and select the OCCC Foundation as your charity of choice.

Fred Meyer Community Rewards

You can link your Fred Meyer card to your favorite charity, the OCCC Foundation.   A percentage of your purchases will be donated to the OCCC Foundation with no additional cost to you.  To learn more, visit this page.

501(c)(3) Status

The OCCC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donors, however, should seek the advice of private legal and financial counsel to determine the tax deductibility of any gift.

About the Foundation

The OCCC Foundation Board and staff work closely with the College President and the elected Board of Education to raise funds for college priorities. The  College supports Foundation operations by providing office space and partial funding for equipment, materials, supplies, and contributes to staff salaries. The support provided by the College is essential ensuring that the majority of donor contributions directly support students, programs, and other College needs that are not possible through the College’s general operating budget.

The Foundation received its nonprofit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) status from the IRS in 2000. Gifts to the Foundation are gifts of knowledge that help build a better future for Lincoln County through an educated citizenry. Donations qualify as charitable contributions and may be tax-deductible. The Foundation helps to ensure growth and stability for the College, thus ensuring the future of higher education in Lincoln County.

The OCCC Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors composed of professional, retired educator, business and community leaders who believe in the mission and values of OCCC. The business and affairs of the Foundation are managed and controlled by the Board of Directors, subject to the provisions of the Oregon Nonprofit Foundation Act and the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws of the OCCC Foundation.

Individual volunteer Board members support the Foundation through giving of their financial resources, time and expertise.  Members serve as community ambassadors to enhance the College’s relations with the community and actively participate in fundraising efforts.

The Board acts in a fiduciary capacity in administering donations in strict compliance with the instructions of the donor. Gifts to the Foundation may be designated for general purposes or restricted to a specific department or program. If a gift is not designated, the Board determines its use according to the greatest need of the College.

The following principles were developed and adopted by the Board to guide them in overseeing the business affairs and investments of the Foundation:

Principle 1. We believe the Foundation holds a public trust to do what it can to improve the quality of the lives of those we serve.

Principle 2. We recognize an ongoing obligation to clearly state our mission, to articulate the needs of the students and community we serve, and to explain how our programs work, what they cost, and the benefits they produce.

Principle 3. We know that we are accountable to those we exist to serve, and to those who support our efforts. To that end, we acknowledge an obligation to share information about our governance, finances, and operations, giving due regard to privacy rules.

Principle 4. We accept that we are responsible for continually striving to fulfill our mission, for exerting leadership on behalf of the public interest, and that in doing so our stewardship must be geared toward ensuring an organization that on any inspection would be found to be of the highest quality.

The Foundation Board

The OCCC Foundation Board of Directors are volunteers who are elected to three-year terms by the membership.  Officers are elected to serve two-year terms.

Contact the Foundation

For more information, contact the Foundation office at 541-867-8531 or via email.