All OCCC locations closed Wednesday, Jan. 17;
reopening set for Thursday, Jan. 18
All classes canceled Wednesday
Oregon Coast Community College is closed Wednesday, Jan. 17, but the college plans to reopen for normal operation effective Thursday morning, Jan. 18.
“The safety of our students, faculty, and staff are paramount,” said Dr. Birgitte Ryslinge, OCCC President. “Anyone with challenges safely traveling to school should contact their instructor for guidance, or call the campus Thursday at 541-867-8501.”
Wednesday closure
The College had originally announced its intention to open Wednesday. However, prolonged power outages over the past few days – and a new outage Tuesday afternoon in South Beach – have chilled the main campus to uncomfortably cold levels. And, power, storm cleanup, and transportation challenges were still facing a number of students, faculty and staff in locations across the county as of Tuesday afternoon.
“Given all they’ve been through already,” said OCCC President Dr. Birgitte Ryslinge, “we’re not going to ask students, faculty, and staff to suffer through cold temperatures indoors if we can avoid it, despite the fact that weather conditions in much of Lincoln County are expected to be markedly improved by Wednesday.” Ryslinge also noted the added day would allow staff to address other facilities impacts wrought by the storm.
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