Periodic assessment of Executive/ Manager employees shall be conducted in accordance with the following guidelines. Employee assessment serves multiple purposes, not only to provide a means to respond to external demands for accountability from government agencies, the public and others, thus improving the credibility of the management process, but also to:
1. Define individual goals and performance expectations and ensure their consistency with the College mission, values, strategic direction and commitment to student success.
2. Improve individual and team performance, internal communications and college management.
3. Encourage performance consistent with OCCC’s values; develop organizational leaders; and recognize outstanding performance.
4. Identify needed areas of professional development and personal growth as well as training and development needs.
Assessment Cycles
New Executive/Manager/Technical /Technical: Assessment of new Executive/Manager/Technical employees shall occur annually using the process described below, for the first three assessments. The assessment period shall be the fiscal year (July 1-June 30), and shall be completed no later than September 15th, following the conclusion of the fiscal year.
A copy of the completed assessment shall be sent to Human Resources to be included in the employee’s official employee file.
Continuing Executive/Manager/Technical: Assessment of Executive/Manager/Technical employees, after 3 evaluations, shall occur at least every third year. Assessment shall be based on the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30), and shall be completed no later than September 15th, following the conclusion of the fiscal year.
A copy of the completed assessment shall be sent to Human Resources to be included in the employee’s official employee file.
Off Cycle: In those years when a full assessment does not occur, the employee and supervisor shall meet and discuss the goals and achievements of the employee during the prior fiscal year and develop a written statement of goals for the coming year. A copy of the written statement of goals, signed by both the employee and the supervisor, should be kept in the employee’s file in the employing department and provided as part of the formal assessment

** OCCC recognizes that Performance Assessments have not been done consistently and is committed to ensuring that every employee has an opportunity to have three consecutive Performance Assessments before moving to the Off Cycle process.
Assessment Process
Human Resources shall maintain forms and format of the assessment instrument. The competencies for Executive/Manager/Technical /Technical assessment are taken from the American Associations of Community Colleges (AACC) statement on Competencies for Community College Leaders and cross walked with OCCC’s management commitment to student and institutional success.
The form for assessment of Executive/Manager/Technical employees shall specifically address goals and achievements during the period being reviewed, as well as areas of leadership, planning and decision-making, communications and interpersonal relationships with their staff, peers and other managers, as well as other college colleagues and students.


The supervisor and the employee shall meet to:

  1. Review the employee’s position description, prioritize job duties, identify goals to be achieved, and outline the specifics of the assessment procedures to be used for the current year.
  2. Supervisory assessment is required and may include feedback solicited from a cross-section of employees reporting to the Executive/Manager/Technical, peers and other Executive/Manager/Technical. Self-assessment is optional, but preferred.
  3. Review the previous year’s assessment or written goals statement, discuss whether the stated goals for the year were achieved, discuss strengths and weaknesses, identify methods of improving employee effectiveness (if needed), create an individual development plan, and make any necessary changes in the employee’s positon description in accordance with Human Resources procedures.
  4. If the assessment is mutually satisfactory to both the employee and the supervisor, the entire assessment packet (signed by the employee and supervisor) shall be forwarded by the supervisor to the next level (i.e.: Executive Team (ET) member or President) for review. After this review, a copy of the assessment will be provided to the employee and the original forwarded to Human Resources to be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
  5. If the employee does not agree with the assessment, the employee will meet with the supervisor to discuss the employee’s concerns within five (5) business days after receipt of the completed evaluation. Supervisor and employee will work together to clarify the performance standards expected for the position and determine whether those standards were met. Both employee and supervisor may suggest changes to the assessment as a result of the discussion. It is desirable for the supervisor and the employee to resolve the issues together. Supervisors are evaluated partially on their ability to evaluate their subordinates effectively. It is to the advantage of both supervisor and employee to attempt resolution at this stage.
  6. In the event that the supervisor and employee do not resolve the issues, the employee will prepare a written response to the assessment, attach it to the assessment and forward the documents to the President, along with a letter requesting a meeting. A meeting will be held within five (5) business days at which time the President will meet with the employee and the employee’s supervisor together to discuss the written response and insure that the process used to create the assessment was appropriate. The President will provide both employees with a written summary of the meeting indicating any action which the supervisor and the two employees determined would be appropriate.

It is not the intent of this provision to imply that assessment is a disciplinary tool. Disciplinary measures may be undertaken at any time.