Library Staff

Shannon McKibben

Library Assistant

(541) 867-8526



Our Mission

The OCCC Library contributes to student success and life-long learning by providing comprehensive Information Literacy instruction and support for students, faculty, staff, and the local community. The Library provides appropriate access to collections, services, and spaces in alignment with and in support of the College mission.

Adopted 29 Sep 2009.
Revised 01 Dec 2016.

Library Planning:

Library Standards 2018-20

OCCC Library Strategic Plan 2015_2017

Library Presentations

The Library Service Area Program Review Presentation 2019

A Bit of History

 The OCCC Library was established in 1991, in support of faculty teaching and student learning.  Charlie Piquett was hired in that year to establish the Library and he served as the Director of Library & Media Services until he retired in 2006.




Kathy Searles was hired as Assistant Librarian in 2000, where she supported the students with Information Literacy and research instruction in the classroom and one-on-one.  In 2007, she was hired as the Library Director,  where she served until her retirement in 2015.  Kathy was best known for her interest in technology and was instrumental in outfitting the new campus with high-tech classroom equipment.



Darci L. Adolf was hired as the Assistant Librarian in 2008, and then took on the role of Director of Library & Media Services in 2015 and retired January 1st, 2025.  Shannon McKibben has served as the Library Assistant since 2015.