OCCC Board Policies

Chapter Five: Student Services

5010 Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment

5010 – Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment

References: 34 Code of Federal Regulations Part 668.16(p) (U.S. Department of Education regulations on the Integrity of Federal Student Financial Aid Programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended); ORS 341.290(7), ORS 340.005 to 340.330 (Expanded Options/Dual Credit Programs), OR 341.181
NWCCU Standard 1.C.4, 2.C.3, 2.G.2

College programs shall be open to all students who have the ability to benefit from those programs, subject to budget limitations. However, the college may require specific academic standards for admission into programs when such standards are necessary for student success. The college has a compelling interest in ensuring student diversity in its programs.

Pursuant to this policy, the College is an open admission institution with limited -entry criteria for programs in Nursing, Health, and Aquarium Science. Additional admission requirements also apply to under-age (18) students who have not earned a high school diploma or GED. High school students, including home schools and charter schools, who are college-ready are eligible for admission.  College-ready is defined as having course placement into 100-level or above classes. Most typically these are students at the junior or senior class level. In the case of a student younger than 16 years of age, the college administration shall make the final determination.

The college shall in its discretion, or as otherwise federally mandated, evaluate the validity of a student’s high school completion. The President shall establish regulations for evaluating the validity of a student’s high school completion.





5015 Residence Determination

5015 – Residence Determination

References: There is no Oregon statutory requirement

A resident, for tuition and fee-paying purposes at Oregon Coast Community College, is a student who has lived in the Oregon Coast Community College district or in the state of Oregon as a permanent resident for no less than 90 continuous days immediately preceding the first day of classes for the quarter in which residency is in question. Permanent residence is defined as the home to which one intends to return after any absence and in which one’s dependents reside for an unlimited period of time. A non-resident of the district, but an Oregon resident, is a student who satisfies the above requirements within the state.




5035 Withholding of Student Records

5035 – Withholding of Student Records

References: No Oregon statutory requirement

Students or former students who have been provided with written notice that they have failed to pay a proper financial obligation may have grades, transcripts, diplomas, and registration privileges withheld.





5040 Education Records, Directory Information, and Privacy

5040 – Education Records, Directory Information, and Privacy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S. Code Section1232g); 34 Code of Federal Regulations Part 99); ORS 341.290(17) and OAR 589-004-0100 to -0750;
NWCCU Standard 2.C.4

Student records will be managed according to all requirements set forth by the US Department of Education including the Family Education Right to Privacy Act (FERPA).

The President shall assure that student records are maintained in compliance with applicable federal and state laws relating to the privacy of student records.

The President or their designee may direct the implementation of appropriate safeguards to assure that student records cannot be accessed or modified by any person not authorized to do so.

Any currently enrolled or former student of Oregon Coast Community College (OCCC) has a right of access to any and all student records relating to them maintained by OCCC.

No representative of OCCC shall release the contents of a student record to any member of the public without the prior written consent of the student, other than directory information as defined in this policy and information sought pursuant to a court order or lawfully issued subpoena, or as otherwise authorized by applicable federal and state laws. Student information may be shared among college faculty and staff on an official “need to know” basis.

Students shall be notified of their rights with respect to student records, including the definition of directory information contained herein, and that they may limit the information.

In recognition of its responsibility to protect both the family privacy and the safety of students, OCCC defines and limits directory information to include only the following student information:

  • Name
  • Dates of attendance;
  • Major field of study;
  • Enrollment status (e.g. undergraduate, full-time or part-time);
  • Honors awarded
  • Certificate(s) and degree(s) conferred.

Directory information does not include a student’s social security number or immigration status.



5052 Open Enrollment

5052 – Open Enrollment

References: There is no Oregon Statutory Requirement

All courses, course sections, and classes of the College shall be open for enrollment to any person who has been admitted to the College. Enrollment may be subject to any priority system that has been established.  Enrollment may also be limited to students meeting properly validated prerequisites and co-requisites or due to other practical considerations such as exemptions set out in statute or regulation.

The President shall assure that this policy is published in the catalog(s) and schedule(s) of classes.



5055 Enrollment Priorities

5055 – Enrollment Priorities

References: There is no Oregon Statutory Requirement

All courses of the College shall be open to enrollment, subject to a priority system that may be established.  Enrollment also may be limited to students meeting properly validated prerequisites and co-requisites or due to other, practical considerations.

In the event that a priority system is established, the President shall establish procedures defining enrollment priorities, limitations, and processes for student challenge of these priorities.



5130 - Financial Aid

5130 – Financial Aid

20 U.S. Code Sections 1070 et seq.;
34 Code of Federal Regulations Part 668 (U.S. Department of Education regulations on the Integrity of Federal Student Financial Aid Programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended);ORS 348.015 to 348.017 (Third party financial firms)
NWCCU Standards 2.G.2, 2.G.4, 2.G.5

A program of financial aid to students will be provided, which may include, but is not limited to, scholarships, grants, loans, and work and employment programs.

All financial aid programs will adhere to guidelines, procedures and standards issued by the funding agency, and will incorporate federal, state, and other applicable regulatory requirements.

The President shall establish, publicize, and apply satisfactory academic progress standards for participants in Title IV student aid programs.

Consistent with the applicable federal regulations for federal financial aid, the College shall not engage in “substantial misrepresentation” of:

  • the nature of its educational program,
  • the nature of its financial charges, or
  • the employability of its graduates.

The President shall establish procedures for regularly reviewing the College’s website and other informational materials for accuracy and completeness and for training College employees and vendors providing educational programs, marketing, advertising, recruiting, or admission services concerning the College’s educational programs, financial charges, and employment of graduates to assure compliance with this policy.

The President shall establish procedures wherein the College shall periodically monitor employees’ and vendors’ communications with prospective students and members of the public and take corrective action where needed.

This policy does not create a private cause of action against the College or any of its representatives or service providers.  The College and its Board of Education do not waive any defenses or governmental immunities by enacting this policy.



5140 - Student Accessibility Services

5140 – Student Accessibility Services

29 U.S. Code Sections 701 et seq.; ORS 659.850
NWCCU Standard 2.C.2

Students with disabilities shall be reasonably accommodated pursuant to federal and state requirements in all applicable programs in the Oregon Coast Community College.

The Student Accessibility Services (SAS) program shall be the primary provider for academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, services, or instruction that facilitate equal educational opportunities for disabled students who can profit from instruction as required by federal and state laws.

SAS services shall be available to students with verified disabilities. The services to be provided include but are not limited to, reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, technology accessibility, accessible facilities, equipment, instructional programs, rehabilitation counseling, and academic counseling.

No student with disabilities is required to participate in Student Accessibility Services.

The College shall respond in a timely manner to accommodation requests involving academic adjustments.  The President shall establish a procedure to implement this policy which, at a minimum, provides for an individualized review of each such request, and permits interim decisions on such requests pending final resolution by the appropriate administrator or designee.

The President shall assure that the SAS program conforms to all requirements established by the relevant law and regulations




5210 Communicable Disease - Students

5210 – Communicable Disease – Students

References: No Oregon statutory requirement

The President shall establish procedures necessary to assure cooperation with local public health officials in measures necessary for the prevention and control of communicable diseases in students.




5400 Associated Students Organization

5400 – Associated Students Organization

References: No Oregon statutory requirement.

The students of the College are authorized to organize a student body association(s). The Board of Education hereby recognizes The Associated Student Government of Oregon Coast Community College (ASG) as the official organization representing Oregon Coast Community College students. ASG operates under a constitution designed to promote student activities and a student voice. ASG provides an important link to other students, college staff, and the general public through various activities. The Associated Students activities shall not conflict with the authority or responsibility of the Board of Education or its officers or employees. The Associated Students shall conduct itself in accordance with state laws and regulations and administrative procedures established by the President. The Associated Students shall be granted the use of the College’s premises subject to such administrative procedures as may be established by the President. Such use shall not be construed as transferring ownership or control of the premises.



5520 - Student Publications

5520 – Student Publications

References: There is no Oregon statutory requirement.

Oregon Coast Community College (“OCCC”) supports the right of students to produce student publications and recognizes the value of student publications as an important avenue of communication in an educational environment.  This policy sets forth the requirements for student publications.

Student publications may be produced either as part of an OCCC course or by an independent, student-led organization.  Each student publication will be assigned a “student media advisor,” who is a person employed or designated by OCCC to provide supervision or instruction relating to the student publication.

Pursuant to Oregon law, student journalists are responsible for determining the news, opinion, feature, and advertising content of student publications.  The student editorial staff for each student publication is responsible for making a final decision as to what material will be published.  All student publications will include the following disclaimer:  “The content of this student publication is determined solely by students.  OCCC does not control the content of this publication, and the content does not reflect the views or opinions of OCCC.”

OCCC assumes no liability or responsibility for the content of student publications, as it does not exercise any editorial control over the content of such publications.  The student media advisor will provide instruction or guidance on the professional standards of English or journalism but will not exercise control over the content of the publication.  The involvement of the student media advisor does not mean that OCCC controls, or has any liability for, the content of the student publication. 

Student publications may not contain content that:

  • Is libelous or slanderous;
  • Constitutes an unwarranted invasion of privacy;
  • Violates federal or state statutes, rules, or regulations or state common law; or
  • So incites students as to create a clear and present danger of:
    • The commission of unlawful acts on or off OCCC premises;
    • The violation of OCCC policies; or
    • The material and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of OCCC

The editorial staff of all OCCC student publications must be current OCCC students.  The editorial staff of a student publication shall strive to:

  • Abide by professional standards of accuracy, objectivity, and fairness;
  • Follow professional standards of sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation;
  • Reasonably check and verify all facts and the accuracy of quotations; and
  • In the case of editorials or letters to the editor concerning controversial issues, determine the need for rebuttal comments and opinions, if appropriate.


Funding from OCCC for student publications is dependent on the annual budget.  OCCC will strive to make funds available to subsidize and/or facilitate student publications.  Student publications that are published as part of an OCCC class will be funded through that class.  Student publications that are published by an independent, student-led organization may apply for funding on an annual basis.  The editorial staff of an OCCC student publication may accept advertising in order to generate revenue to support the publication.  Advertisements must comply with the requirements of this and other OCCC policies and procedures.



5500 Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct

5500 – Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct

References: There is no Oregon statutory requirement.

The President shall establish procedures for the imposition of discipline on students in accordance with the requirements for due process of the federal and state law and regulations.

The procedures shall clearly define the conduct that is subject to discipline, and shall identify potential disciplinary actions, including but not limited to the removal, suspension, or expulsion of a student. The procedures shall be made widely available to students through the college catalog or other means.

The president shall assure a clear and accessible process for reporting and resolving concerns related to conduct in a timely manner.



5800 Prevention of Identity Theft in Student Financial Transactions

5800 – Prevention of Identity Theft in Student Financial Transactions

15 U.S. Code Section 1681m(e), (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act)
ORS 646A.600 to 646A.628 (Oregon Consumer Identity Theft Protection Act)

The College is required to provide for the identification, detection, and response to patterns, practices, or specific activities (“Red Flags”) that could indicate identity theft of students when the College serves as a creditor in relation to its students.  When applicable, the President  is directed to develop procedures to implement an Identity Theft Prevention Program (ITPP) to control reasonably foreseeable risks to students from identity theft.