OCCC Board Policies

Chapter Four: Academic Affairs

4010 Academic Calendar

4010 Academic Calendar

References: NWCCU Standard 2.G.2, No Oregon statutory requirement

The President or designee shall, in consultation with the appropriate groups and staff, approve and publish the academic calendar. The academic calendar will address one or more years. Prior to the President’s approval of an academic calendar, it will be presented to the Board of Education as an informational update, typically in December.

Oregon Coast Community College operates on a quarter system with fall, winter, and spring quarters comprising the standard academic year. Summer quarter is the first quarter of the academic year. OCCC typically uses “term” in lieu of “quarter.”



4020 Program, Curriculum, and Course Development

4020 Program, Curriculum, and Course Development

References: U.S. Department of Education regulations on the Integrity of Federal Student Financial Aid Programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended; 34 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 600.2, 602.24, 603.24, and 668.8; NWCCU Standard 1.C.3 ORS 341.290 OAR 589-006-0050, 0100, 0150, 0200, 0300, 0350, 0400

The programs and curricula of the Oregon Coast Community College shall be of high quality, relevant to community and student needs, and evaluated regularly to ensure quality and relevancy.

The Board exercises its responsibility to prescribe the educational programs of the college by acting upon program recommendations as prepared by the president. The addition, discontinuance or substantial modification of degree programs will be authorized by the Board prior to submission to governing or regulatory agencies.

Credit Hour

Consistent with federal regulations applicable to federal financial aid eligibility, Oregon Coast Community College shall assess and designate each of its programs as either a “credit hour” program or a “clock hour” program.

The president will establish procedures which prescribe the definition of “credit hour” consistent with applicable federal regulations.

The president shall establish procedures to assure that curriculum at Oregon Coast Community College complies with the definition of “credit hour” or “clock hour,” where applicable.

The president shall also establish a procedure for using a clock-to-credit hour conversion formula to determine whether a credit hour program is eligible for federal financial aid. The conversion formula is used to determine whether such a credit-hour program has an appropriate minimum number of clock hours of instruction for each credit hour it claims.


4030 Academic Freedom

4030 Academic Freedom

References: No Oregon statutory requirement

Institutions of higher education exist for the common good, and the unfettered search for truth and its free exploration is critical to the common good.

The college seeks to educate its students in the democratic tradition, to foster recognition of individual freedoms and social responsibility, and to inspire meaningful awareness of and respect for a collaborative learning environment. Freedom of expression will be guaranteed to instructors to create a classroom atmosphere that allows students to raise questions and consider all sides of issues. OCCC instructors are responsible for exercising judgment in selecting topics of educational value for discussion and learning consistent with course requirements, goals, and desired outcomes.



4040 Library and Learning Support Services

4040 – Library and Learning Support Services

References: NWCCU Standards 2.H.1

OCCC shall have library and Information services that ensure broad access, are supported by appropriate instruction, developed through user-centered planning, and integrated into the learning process. The Library will maintain compliance with all state and federal regulations and will adhere to all standards as established by NWCCU.

Library collection materials are provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of our community, and we do not exercise censorship in fulfilling our responsibilities.



4050 Articulation

4050 Articulation

References: NWCCU Standards 1.C.8 and 2.C.1, ORS 341.290, ORS 341.315

The president or designee may establish procedures that assure appropriate articulation of Oregon Coast Community College’s educational programs and courses with proximate high schools and post-secondary institutions.

The procedures may also support articulation with institutions, including other community colleges and those that are not geographically proximate but that are appropriate and advantageous for partnership with Oregon Coast Community College.



4070 Course Auditing and Auditing Fees

4070 Course Auditing and Auditing Fees

References: ORS 341.290

Students may audit graded credit courses. The fee for auditing courses shall be full tuition and fees and the student must obtain the instructor’s permission to audit a course.

Students must have their request and instructor permission submitted by the published deadline. Once the deadline to request an audit has passed, no student shall be permitted to change his/her/their enrollment to receive credit for the course.

An audited course will not meet requirements for a certificate or degree and does not count towards enrollment status for financial aid or other enrollment status benefits.

Priority in class enrollment shall be given to students enrolled in the course for credit toward a degree or certificate.


4235 Credit by Examination/Credit for Prior Learning

4235 Credit by Examination/Credit for Prior Learning

References: NWCCU Standard 1.C.8, ORS 350.110 (Credit for Prior Learning), ORS 350.417

Oregon Coast Community College provides opportunities for students to earn credit for prior learning (CPL) for skills and abilities they have acquired through work, professional training, military training, standard examinations, and other documented experiential learning. Credits are awarded through assessments that reflect a student’s achievement of college level competencies.

The president shall establish administrative procedures to implement this policy. Procedures will align with NWCCU, federal and state laws and rules that affect the awarding and applicability of CPL in academic programs.