OCCC Board Policies

Chapter Two: Board of Education

2010 Board of Education Membership

2010 – Board of Education Membership

References: NWCCU Standard 2.A.1 ORS 341.275, ORS 341.326

The Board of Education shall be composed of seven members who serve terms of 4 years. A person shall be qualified to be a candidate for election to the board if the person is an elector who resides in the district. If the district is zoned and the position sought is one elected or nominated by zone, the person also must reside in the zone from which the person is nominated. A board member must qualify for office by taking an oath of office.

No person who is an employee of the community college district shall be eligible to serve as a member of the board for the district by which the employee is employed.



2100 Board of Education Elections

2100 – Board of Education Elections

References: ORS 341.326, ORS 341.327, ORS 255.335

The term of office of each Board of Education member shall be 4 years, commencing on July 1 following the election. The term of a Board of Education member expires June 30 following the regular district election at which a successor is elected. Elections shall be held every 2 years, in odd-numbered years.  Terms of Board of Education members are staggered so that, as nearly as practical, one-half of the Board of Education members shall be elected at each Board of Education member election.



2110 Vacancies on the Board of Education

2110 – Vacancies on the Board of Education

References: ORS 341.335
The Board of Education shall declare the office of a board member vacant if it finds any of the following:

  • The incumbent has died or resigned.
  • The incumbent has been removed or recalled from office or the election of the incumbent thereto has been declared void by the judgment of a court.
  • The incumbent has ceased to be a resident of the district and the zone from which the incumbent was appointed or elected.
  • The incumbent has ceased to discharge the duties of office for two consecutive months unless prevented therefrom by sickness or other unavoidable cause or unless excused by the chairperson of the Board of Education.

When a vacancy is declared the remaining Board of Education members shall meet and appoint a person to fill the vacancy from any of the electors of the electors of the zone from which the vacancy occurs.
The period of service of a Board of Education member appointed to a vacant position commences upon appointment and expires June 30 following the next regular district election during which a successor is appointed. A successor shall be elected to serve the remainder, if any, of the term for which the appointment was made. If the term for which the appointment was made expires June 30 after the election of the successor, the successor shall be appointed to a full term. In either case, the successor shall take office on July 1.
The President shall establish administrative procedures to solicit applications that assure ample publicity to and information for prospective candidates.  The Board of Education will determine the schedule and appointment process, which may include interviews at a public meeting.



2200 Board of Education Duties and Responsibilities

2200 – Board of Education Duties and Responsibilities

References: NWCCU Standards 2.A.1 ORS 341.290, ORS 341.300 (traffic control)

The Board of Education governs on behalf of the citizens of the College District in accordance with the authority granted to it by state law.  The Board of Education is committed to fulfilling its responsibilities to:

  • Represent the public interest;
  • Establish policies that define the institutional mission and set prudent, ethical, and legal standards for college operations;
  • Assure the Board operates in an open, accessible, welcoming spirit, and maintains a culture that supports the College’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion;
  • Establish policies that ensure the College operates in a way that supports its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion;
  • Hire and evaluate the President;
  • Delegate power and authority to the chief executive to effectively lead the College;
  • Assure fiscal health and stability;
  • Monitor institutional performance and educational quality; and
  • Advocate and protect the College.
  • Refer complaints to the President or Director of Human Resources;

The Oregon Coast Community College Board of Education shall be responsible for the general supervision and control of any and all community college campuses and centers operated by the College. Consistent with any applicable rules of the Higher Education Coordinating Commission and the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, the local Board may exercise all general powers identified in ORS 341.290, and exercise traffic controls as identified in ORS 341.300.



2210 Board of Education Officers and Staff

2210 – Board of Education Officers and Staff

References: ORS 341.283

The terms of officers shall be for one year. The Board of Education does not have an official system of rotation of Chair and Vice-Chair; it elects these officers each year from among all its members. The duties of the Chair of the Board of Education are:

  • Preside over all meetings of the Board of Education;
  • Call emergency and special meetings of the Board of Education as required by law;
  • Consult with the President on Board of Education meeting agendas;
  • Communicate with individual Board of Education members about their responsibilities;
  • Participate in the orientation process for new Board of Education members;
  • Assure Board of Education compliance with policies on Board of Education member education, self-evaluation, and evaluation of the President;
  • Represent the Board of Education at official events or ensure Board of Education representation.

The duties of the Vice-Chair of the Board of Education are:  

  • To preside over Board meetings in the absence of the chair;
  • To fulfill the duties of the Chair as needed.

The President shall continuously serve as Clerk to the Board of Education.

  • Shall ensure notification of members of the Board of Education of regular, special, emergency, and adjourned meetings;
  • Attend all Board of Education meetings and closed sessions, unless excused, and in such cases to assign a designee;
  • Certify as legally required all Board of Education actions;
  • Sign, when authorized by law or by Board of Education action, any documents that would otherwise require the signature of the Secretary of the Board of Education.
  • Conduct the official correspondence of the Board of Education;

The Executive Assistant to the President shall also continuously serve as the Assistant to the Board. In the event the Executive Assistant to the President is not available, the President will designate another College staff member to fill this role. The duties of the Assistant are:

  • Prepare and post Board of Education meeting agendas, minutes and supporting materials;
  • Receive communications on behalf of the Board;
  • Have prepared minutes of Board of Education meetings for review by President prior to adoption by the Board;



2220 Committees of the Board of Education

2220 – Committees of the Board of Education

References: None

The Board of Education may by action establish committees that it determines are necessary to assist the Board of Education in its responsibilities.

Board of Education committees that are only advisory have no authority or power to act on behalf of the Board of Education. Findings or recommendations shall be reported to the Board of Education for consideration.


2305 Annual Organizational Meeting

2305 – Annual Organizational Meeting

References: ORS 341.283, ORS 255.335(5)
The annual organizational meeting of the Board of Education will be held by August 31 each year. In years following a district election Oregon law requires that the annual organization meeting will be held in July. The purpose of the annual organizational meeting is to elect a Chair and Vice-Chair and conduct any other business as required by law or determined by the Board of Education.



2310 Regular Meetings of the Board of Education

2310 – Regular Meetings of the Board of Education

References:ORS 341.283

Regular meetings of the Board of Education are typically held on the third Wednesday of the month.  Regular meetings of the Board of Education shall normally be held at one of the three campus/center locations: South County Center, Central County Campus, or North County Center.  The Chair of the Board, in consultation with the College President, may cancel or reschedule a regularly scheduled board meeting.



2315 Closed/Executive Sessions

2315 – Closed/Executive Sessions

References: ORS 192.660

Executive sessions of the Board of Education shall only be held as permitted by ORS 192.660.  Matters discussed in closed session may include:

  • To consider the employment of a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent.
  • To consider the dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent who does not request an open hearing.
  • To conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to carry on labor negotiations.
  • To conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to negotiate real property transactions.
  • To consider information or records that are exempt by law from public inspection.
  • To consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed.
  • To review and evaluate the employment-related performance of the chief executive officer of any public body, a public officer, employee or staff member who does not request an open hearing.

Matters discussed in executive session remain confidential and may not be discussed outside of the closed session. No final actions may be taken in executive session. If any person requests an opportunity to present complaints to the Board of Education about a specific employee, such complaints shall first be presented to the President or the Director of Human Resources.  Notice shall be given to the employee against whom the charges or complaints are directed.  If the complaint is not resolved at the administrative level, the matter shall be scheduled for a closed session of the Board of Education as permitted under Oregon law.



2320 Special and Emergency Meetings

2320 – Special and Emergency Meetings

References: ORS 192.640, ORS 341.283

Special meetings may be called when urgent issues arise that cannot wait for a regularly scheduled meeting. Such meetings are subject to applicable statute related to public notice/access. Special meetings may be scheduled by the college President, the Board of Education chairperson, the vice-chairperson in the absence of the chair, or by any three (3) Board members acting together.

In the case of an actual emergency, an emergency meeting may be held upon such notice as is appropriate to the circumstances. No business other than that related to the emergency will be discussed at these meetings. If applicable, the minutes for such a meeting shall describe the emergency justifying less than 24-hours’s notice.


2330 Quorum and Voting

2330 – Quorum and Voting

References: ORS 192.610 to ORS 192.690, ORS 341.283

A quorum of the Board of Education shall consist of a majority of Board of Education members. The affirmative vote of the majority of members of the Board of Education is required to transact any business.



2340 Agendas

2340 – Agendas

References: ORS 192.640

An agenda shall be posted adjacent to the place of meeting at least 24 hours prior to the meeting time for regular meetings.  The agenda shall include a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting.  If requested, the agenda shall be provided in appropriate alternative formats so as to be accessible to persons with a disability. The order of business may be changed by consent of the Board of Education. Agendas shall be developed by the College President in consultation with the Board of Education President.



2345 Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings

2345 – Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings

References:ORS 192.630, ORS 192.670

There will be a time at each regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting for the general public to address the Board of Education regarding items not on the agenda. The length of the period of time designated for public comment on a topic shall be governed by the Board Chair and generally shall not exceed three (3) minutes unless extended by action of the Board. The Board Chair shall be responsible for recognizing all speakers who shall properly identify themselves. Members of the public also may submit written communications to the Board of Education on items on the agenda or speak to agenda items at the Board of Education meeting. Written communication regarding items on the Board of Education’s agenda should reach the office of the College President not later than three working days prior to the meeting at which the matter concerned is to be before the Board of Education. All such written communications shall be dated and signed by the author and shall contain the residence or business address of the author and the author’s organizational affiliation, if any. Claims for damages are not considered communications to the Board of Education under this rule but shall be submitted to the College.



2350 Speakers

2350 – Speakers


There is no Oregon statutory requirement. Persons may speak to the Board of Education either on an agenda item or on other matters of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Education. Oral presentations relating to a matter on the agenda, including those on the consent agenda, shall be heard before a vote is called on the item. Persons wishing to speak to matters not on the agenda shall do so at the time designated at the meeting for public comment. Those wishing to speak to the Board of Education are subject to the following:

  • The Chair of the Board of Education may rule members of the public out of order if their remarks do not pertain to matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Education or if their remarks are unduly repetitive.
  • Non-scheduled substitutes may not speak in place of scheduled speakers unless alternates have been submitted on the original request.
  • Speakers shall complete a written request to address the Board of Education at the beginning of the meeting at which they wish to speak.
  • The request shall include the person’s name and name of the organization or group represented, if any, and a statement noting the agenda item or topic to be addressed.
  • No member of the public may speak without being recognized by the Chair of the Board of Education.
  • Each speaker will be allowed a maximum of three minutes per topic. The Board Chair may establish at the meeting a maximum time allotment for public speakers on any one subject regardless of the number of speakers at any one Board of Education meeting.  At the discretion of a majority of the Board of Education these time limits may be extended.
  • Each speaker coming before the Board of Education is limited to one presentation per specific agenda item before the Board of Education, and to one presentation per meeting on non-agenda matters.



2356 Board Member Censure

2356 Board Member Censure

References: 192.660(2)(b), 341.283

Oregon law authorizes the Board to establish rules governing the conduct of its members and proceedings. The Board of Education encourages free speech and the open sharing of opinions. Within that process, it is incumbent that each member of the Board complies with the entirety of Chapter Two of Board Policies which includes abiding by all state and federal laws that pertain to the College, abiding by public meeting laws, respecting the delegation of authority to the President, and acting only in the best interests of the entire community. Appropriate public decorum and behavior, when representing the College, are necessary for the success of the institution.

The Board of Education retains the right to censure a member of the Board found to violate policy. Censure is an official condemnation, reprimand, or criticism leveled at a board member or public official by his/her peers. Censure does not remove a board member from office or technically impede his/her ability to serve. However, it can be an important means of distancing a board from counterproductive behavior.

Should a violation of policy be brought to the attention of any board member, it must be reported to the Board Chair (or Vice-Chair if the complaint involves the Board Chair) and the President to determine the seriousness of the reported infringement. Before an official public censure takes place, the Board Chair and the President shall meet with the board member(s) that the censure would affect. This meeting would be private and confidential. Should the board member(s) being interviewed agree to alter the behavior(s) in question; no further action needs to take place.

Administrative Procedure for Board Censure Process

1. Receipt of Censure Complaints

Complaints by a board member against a fellow board member shall be brought to the Board Chair and the College President. If the complaint involves the Board Chair, it shall be brought to the Vice- Chair and the College President. Complaints shall be made in writing and should be specific and include dates, names of witnesses, and as much detail as possible. Any emails, letters, or other supporting information related to the issue should be attached as addendum and evidence. In addition to complaints related to the violation of the Board Member responsibilities under BP Chapter Two, a complaint may be brought related to actions that go against the operating principles or mission of the College established by the Board. Examples of actions that could be grounds for censure include but are not limited to personal attacks against fellow board members or the college president, repeated disruption of meetings, release of confidential information provided to Board and/or discussed in Executive Session, interference with college operations, and improper behavior toward college employees or students.

If the nature of the complaint could constitute prohibited behavior such as unlawful discrimination, undisclosed conflicts of interest in violation of Oregon Ethics law, or Title IX violation, the President shall consult with subject matter experts including legal counsel to determine whether there is a more appropriate or legally required alternative procedure for addressing the complaint.

2. Confidential meeting with affected board member(s)

The Board Chair and the College President shall meet confidentially with the board member(s) whom the censure would affect. In the event the censure complaint involves the Board Chair, the Vice Chair and the College President will meet confidentially with the member(s) against whom a complaint has been made. If the complaint involves both the Board Chair and the Vice Chair, the President, and another member of the Board of Education, who shall be selected by the members not named in the complaint, will meet confidentially with the member(s) against whom a complaint has been made.

3. Censure resolution (if determined possible censure is appropriate)

A censure resolution will be drafted for consideration by the Board. The resolution may begin with the word, “Whereas”, followed by a description of the concerns held by the members presenting the resolution. It should describe the violations forming the basis for the censure resolution. Following this will be a section beginning with the words, “therefore, be it resolved that …” followed by a statement that member is hereby being censured and describing any other action to be taken.

4. Board consideration of censure resolution

Pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(b), an Executive Session of the Board will be held no sooner than 7 business days after the scheduled confidential meeting with affected board member(s). This will provide adequate public notice, allowing the affected board member(s) time to prepare for the meeting and to decide whether to request an open hearing. Under ORS 192.660(2)(b) the affected board member has the right to request a hearing of the complaint in open session.

5. Board action on the censure resolution

Board members must have the resolution read aloud at a public Board of Education meeting called in accordance with adopted board meeting procedures and Oregon Public Meetings law. Following the reading of the resolution, the floor shall be opened for comments by board members. The Board will vote on the censure resolution. The votes of the individual board members and the overall results shall be recorded in the official meeting minutes.


2360 Minutes

2360 – Minutes

References: ORS 192.650

The Board of Education will assign responsibility for taking minutes of all meetings of the Board of Education.  The minutes shall record all actions of the Board of Education.  The minutes shall be public records and shall be available to the public.  If requested, the minutes shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats so as to be accessible to persons with a disability.  The minutes shall record all actions taken by the Board of Education. Pursuant to Oregon law, the minutes shall also include at least the following information: (a)   All members of the governing body present; (b) All motions, proposals, resolutions, orders, ordinances and measures proposed and their disposition; (c)  The results of all votes and the vote of each member by name; (d) The substance of any discussion on any matter; and (e) Subject to ORS 192.311 to 192.478 relating to public records, a reference to any document discussed at the meeting.



2410 Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

2410 – Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

References: NWCCU Standards 2.A.C

The Board of Education may adopt such policies as are authorized by law or determined by the Board of Education to be necessary for the efficient operation of the College.  Board policies are intended to be statements of intent by the Board of Education on a specific issue within its subject matter jurisdiction. These policies have been written to be consistent with provisions of law but do not encompass all laws relating to the College’s activities.  All College employees are expected to know and observe all provisions of law pertinent to their job responsibilities. Policies of the Board of Education may be adopted, revised, added to, or amended at any regular Board of Education meeting by a majority vote.  Proposed changes or additions shall be introduced not less than one regular meeting prior to the meeting at which action is recommended.  The Board of Education shall regularly assess its policies for effectiveness in fulfilling the College’s mission. Administrative procedures are to be issued by the President as statements of method to be used in implementing Board of Education policy.  Such administrative procedures shall be consistent with the intent of Board of Education Policy.  Administrative procedures may be revised as deemed necessary by the President. The President shall, provide each member of the Board of Education with access to the administrative procedures and notice of any revisions to administrative procedures.  The Board of Education reserves the right to direct revisions of the administrative procedures should they, in the Board of Education’s judgment, be inconsistent with the Board of Education’s own policies. Copies of all Board of Education policies and administrative procedures shall be readily available to the College’s employees.




2430 Delegation of Authority to the College President

2430 – Delegation of Authority to the College President

References: NWCCU Standard 2.A.7, ORS 341.290

The President is the Chief Executive Officer of Oregon Coast Community College and is responsible to the Board for the proper administration of the college. The Board of Education delegates to the College President the executive responsibility for administering the policies adopted by the Board of Education and executing all decisions of the Board of Education requiring administrative action.

The Board recognizes that the most important and most sensitive relationship to be maintained by the Board is the one it achieves with the President. Mutual trust and respect are mandatory to maintain an atmosphere in which cooperative leadership can be developed. The President will be responsible for the professional leadership and skill necessary to translate the will of the Board into administrative action.
The Board expects that the President is professionally able and possesses outstanding qualities of leadership, vision and administrative skill, and that the President will implement all policies of the Board in good faith. The President can expect that the Board will respect his/her professional competence and extend to him/her full responsibility for implementation of Board policy decisions.
The President will be responsible for all aspects of College operation and for the duties and powers pertaining thereto as the Board may direct or delegate and will develop such procedures and regulations as he/she considers necessary to ensure efficient operation of the College.

The College President may delegate any powers and duties entrusted to him/her by the Board of Education including the administration of colleges and centers but will be specifically responsible to the Board of Education for the execution of such delegated powers and duties.

The College President is empowered to reasonably interpret Board of Education policy.  In situations where there is no Board of Education policy direction, the College President shall have the power to act, but such decisions shall be subject to review by the Board of Education.  It is the duty of the College President to inform the Board of Education of such action and to recommend written Board of Education policy if one is required.

The College President is expected to perform the duties contained in the College President job description and fulfill other responsibilities as may be determined in regular goal-setting or evaluation sessions per BP 2435: Evaluation of the President.  The job description and goals and objectives for performance shall be developed by the Board of Education in consultation with the College President.
The College President shall ensure that the College complies with all relevant laws and regulations and submit required reports in timely fashion.

The College President shall make available any information or give any report that the Board of Education as a whole requests.  Individual Board of Education member requests for information shall be met if, in the opinion of the College President they are not unduly burdensome or disruptive to the College’s operations.  Information provided to any Board of Education member shall be available to all Board of Education members.
The College President shall act as the professional advisor to the Board of Education in policy formation.



2431 Selection of the President

2431 – Selection of the President

References: NWCCU Standards 2.A.3

In the case of a Presidential vacancy, the Board of Education shall act promptly to ensure continuity of leadership, which may include the appointment of an interim President. Upon learning of a vacancy (current or anticipated) the Board shall establish a process to fill the vacancy on a permanent basis. The process to select a President shall be responsive to the then current employment environment, as well as fair, transparent, and comply with relevant regulations.




2432 Administrator in Charge and Acting President

2432 – Administrator in Charge and Acting President

References: There is no Oregon statutory requirement.

The Board of Education delegates authority to the President to appoint an acting President to serve in his/her absence for short periods of time, not to exceed 60 calendar days at a time. In the absence of the President and when an acting President has not been named, administrative responsibility shall reside with a College administrator designated by the President as Administrator in Charge (AIC) The Board of Education shall appoint an acting President for periods exceeding 60 days




2435 Evaluation of the President

2435 – Evaluation of the President

References: There is no Oregon statutory requirement.

The Board of Education shall conduct an evaluation of President at least annually for the first three years of employment. Contingent on a satisfactory 3rd year evaluation and Board of Education approval, the evaluation cycle transitions to biannual evaluation beginning in year 5 of employment. Such evaluation shall comply with any requirements set forth in the contract of employment with the President as well as this policy. The Board of Education shall evaluate the President using an evaluation process the Board of Education and the President jointly agree to and develop. The criteria for evaluation shall be based on Board of Education policy, the President’s job description, and performance goals/objectives developed in accordance with 2430 Delegation of Authority to the President.



2440 President Emeritus Policy

2440 – President Emeritus Policy

References: There is no Oregon statutory Requirement.

The Board of Education may grant President Emeritus status to a retiring or retired college president. President Emeritus status should be reserved to honor, in retirement, a college president who has provided outstanding and distinguished service to Oregon Coast Community College and has served a significant portion (typically 10 or more years) of their career at the college. Outstanding and distinguished service is defined as service which goes above and beyond the normal duties and responsibilities of the appointment, and which have had extraordinary impact on the college and/or broader community. Emeritus status is given to an individual who has demonstrated exceptional commitment and contributions to the college, exemplifying the highest standards of personal and professional integrity, civic responsibility, vision, and leadership. The designation identifies the college president as a continuing member of the college community. The title of President Emeritus may be awarded posthumously. A member of the Board of Education may nominate a retiring or retired college president to become President Emeritus. The title must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Education.

Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities

A college president granted emeritus status will receive:

  • A resolution naming and honoring the college president as President Emeritus;
  • Listing in the college catalogue and website;
  • Use of the title “President Emeritus” in community and professional activities;
  • Upon the invitation of the then-current college president the option to participate in commencement and other college functions and events;
  • OCCC identification and library cards, eligibility to enroll in OCCC classes at staff rates.

The current College President may call upon the President Emeritus to provide counsel or serve in various volunteer roles and/or capacities in support of the college. Presidents Emeriti are not required to continue to serve the college community.

The title of President Emeritus confers no remuneration, rights to employment, or benefit in addition to those provided above. Presidents Emeriti do not exercise any of the authority or administrative functions associated with holding a staff position at the college.

The Board of Directors retains the authority to withdraw a President Emeritus title at its discretion as it deems necessary and appropriate.


2550 Participation in Local Decision Making

2550 – Participation in Local Decision Making

References: NWCCU Standard 2.A.4, ORS 341.283(5)

The Board of Education is the ultimate decision-maker in those areas assigned to it by state and federal laws and regulations.  In executing that responsibility, the Board of Education is committed to its obligation to ensure that appropriate members of the Board of Education participate in developing recommended policies for Board of Education action and for the President’s action under which the College is governed and administered. Except for unforeseeable emergency situations, the Board of Education shall not take any action on matters subject to this policy until the appropriate constituent group or groups have been provided an opportunity to participate. Any duty imposed upon the Board of Education as a body shall be performed at a regular or special meeting and shall be made a matter of record. The consent to any particular measure obtained from individual Board of Education members when the Board of Education is not in session shall not be an act of the Board of Education and shall not be binding upon the district.




2710 Conflicts of Interest

2710 – Conflicts of Interest

References: NWCCU Standards 2.D.3, ORS 244.010 to ORS 244.047

Board of Education members shall adhere to state laws relating to conflicts of interest and government ethics. Board of Education members shall declare actual and potential conflict of interest on the record prior to taking any action when an actual or potential conflict of interest exists. Board of Education members are encouraged to seek counsel from the college’s legal advisor or the Oregon Government Ethics Commission in every case where any question arises.




2715 Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice

2715 – Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice

References: NWCCU Standard 2.D.2 ORS 244.010 to ORS 244.400

The Board of Education maintains high standards of ethical conduct for its members.  Members of the Board of Education are responsible to:

  • Act only in the best interests of the entire community.
  • Ensure public input into board deliberations; adhering to the law and spirit of the open meeting laws and regulations.
  • Prevent conflicts of interest and the perception of conflicts of interest.
  • Exercise authority only as a Board.
  • Use appropriate channels of communication.
  • Respect others; acting with civility.
  • Be informed about the College, educational issues, and responsibilities of Board membership.
  • Devote adequate time to board work, including preparing for Board deliberations by reviewing the agenda and materials prior to meetings.
  • Maintain confidentiality of executive sessions.

 All Board of Education members are expected to maintain the highest standards of conduct and ethical behavior and to adhere to the Board’s Code of Ethics. Each member of the Board of Education will reaffirm adherence to the Code of Ethics by signing a statement at the annual organizational meeting.



2716 Board of Education Political Activity

2716 – Board of Education Political Activity

References: ORS 260.432

Members of the Board of Education and employees shall not use the college’s funds, services, supplies, or equipment to urge the passage or defeat of any ballot measure, initiative petition or candidate, including, but not limited to, any candidate for election to the Board of Education. The Board of Education may, by resolution, express the Board of Education position on ballot measures.




2720 Communication Among Board of Education Members

2720 – Communication Among Board of Education Members

References: ORS 192.610 to ORS 192.690, ORS 341.283(5)

The Board of Education may take action on matters properly before it only in public at a regular, special, or emergency meeting, except in those instances where action is permitted by law in executive session.  The authority of the Board of Education may be exercised only as a Board and only at such meetings or closed sessions as are duly and legally constituted. Individual members acting in their individual capacities have no authority to commit the Board of Education or the President to any policy determination or course of action. A quorum of members of the Board of Education shall not communicate outside of a board meeting among themselves by the use of any form of communication (e.g., personal intermediaries, e-mail, or other technological device) in order to reach a collective concurrence regarding any item that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Education. In addition, Board of Education members may not use a series of communications by any means or through any person to discuss, deliberate, or take action on any item of business within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board.




2725 Board of Education Member Compensation

2725 – Board of Education Member Compensation

References: ORS 341.283(6)

Members of the Board of Education shall receive no compensation for their services, but they shall be allowed the actual and necessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties.



2735 Board of Education Member Travel

2735 – Board of Education Member Travel

References: ORS 341.283(6), ORS 244.040

The College will reimburse Board of Education members for travel undertaken on behalf of the College, following the same procedures and guidelines as established for College staff.  In addition, “spouse” conference fees for one accompanying person to a Board member may also be paid by the College.




2745 Board of Education Self-Evaluation
References: There is no Oregon statutory requirement.

The Board of Education is committed to assessing its own performance as a Board of Education in order to identify its strengths and areas in which it may improve its functioning. To that end, the Board of Education will complete a formal self-evaluation instrument at least every third year.  The President will consult with the Board chair to recommend an evaluation instrument. Any evaluation instrument shall incorporate criteria contained in these Board of Education policies regarding Board of Education operations, as well as criteria defining Board of Education effectiveness promulgated by recognized practitioners in the field. All Board of Education members will be asked to complete the evaluation instrument and submit them to the Assistant to the Board. A summary of the evaluations will be presented and discussed at a Board of Education session scheduled for that purpose.  The results will be used to identify accomplishments in the past years and goals for the following years.