Nursing Info Session Recordings
December 4, 2024
Statement from Oregon Coast Community College
December 19, 2024Oregon Coast Community College’s Board of Education Seeks Area Resident to Fill Board Vacancy for Zone 2
The Oregon Coast Community College Board of Education has a current opening for Zone 2 in the Lincoln County District. Zone 2 is identified as the area consisting of the bulk of the City of Lincoln City, from 34th Street on the north to 69th Street south. Additional district details are available by calling OCCC at 541-994-6222 or by contacting the Lincoln County Clerk’s office at 541-265-4131.
To be considered for appointment, candidate must be a registered voter, currently residing in Zone 2, and resident of the district for at least one year immediately preceding the appointment. Pursuant to relevant Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 341.335), if no one applies from the vacant zone after the position is announced for a 20-day period, an individual may be appointed from the district at large. The vacancy was publicly announced on Wednesday, Dec. 11 when Alison Nelson-Robertson resigned the Board position she’d served in for the past 12 years.
Citizens interested in serving the balance of the Zone 2 term, which is through June 30, 2025, are asked to apply with a letter of interest and a brief resume or bio, describing professional and/or public service history.
Letters should be mailed to the administrative office of the Board of Education located at 400 SE College Way, Newport OR 97366 or emailed to ea@oregoncoast.edu. Letters will be accepted until Jan. 14. The Board will interview qualified candidates during its January 2025 meeting.
Oregon Coast Community College Board of Education meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month in Newport, Lincoln City, or Waldport at 6 p.m. Additional meetings are scheduled as needed.
For more information, visit www.oregoncoast.edu/boardofed.
Non-discrimination Statement
Oregon Coast Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, or religion in its programs and activities. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Bruce Clemetsen, 541-867-8511, bruce.clemetsen@oregoncoast.edu or Joy Gutknecht, 541-867-8515, joy.gutknecht@oregoncoast.edu 400 SE College Way, Newport, OR 97366
In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), Oregon Coast Community College provides reasonable accommodation. If you desire reasonable accommodation, please contact the Vice President of Student Affairs and Section 504 Compliance Officer (400 SE College Way, Newport, OR 97366) at 541-867-8511 or at access@oregoncoast.edu.