Course Reserves for Students
Course-related materials that OCCC instructors set aside just for their students to read or view are placed on reserve in the OCCC Library in the Central County Center in Newport or in the North County Center in Lincoln City.
Reserve course material can be checked out at the Library Circulation Window off the Commons. Checkout periods vary and are set by the instructor. Most materials may be used up to two days, though checkout periods may be a short as two hours in the Library only.
To checkout course reserve material you will need:
- Your Chinook Library Card or OCCC Student I.D.
- The name of your instructor
- The title of the course reserve material
Privacy & Confidentiality: The Library gathers the patron’s name phone number and email address for the purposes of circulating some Course Reserve materials. Patron signature cards are kept in a locked file cabinet, within a locked room accessible only to library staff personnel. Only library staff have access to the signature cards, and only will access them when the material needs to be renewed or returned. All PII information is redacted upon return of the item.
For more information about access and use of Course Reserves, see the “Access to and Use of Library Services Policy.”