OCCC Board Policies
Chapter Six: Business and Fiscal Affairs
6100 Delegation of Authority, Business and Fiscal Affairs
ORS 341.290
The Board of Education delegates to the President the authority to supervise the general business procedures of the Oregon Coast Community College to assure the proper administration of property and contracts; the budget, audit and accounting of funds; the acquisition of supplies, equipment and property; and the protection of assets and persons. All transactions shall comply with applicable laws and regulations.
The President shall make appropriate, periodic reports to the Board of Education and shall keep the Board of Education fully advised regarding the financial status of the Oregon Coast Community College.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6150 Designation of Authorized Signatures
ORS 341.703
Authority to sign orders and other transactions on behalf of the Board of Education is delegated to the President, the Vice President of Administrative Services, and other officers as may be appointed and designated by the President.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6200 Budget Preparation
NWCCU Standard 2.E.2
ORS 294.305 to 294.565 (Local Budget Law)
Each year, the President shall present a budget to the Board of Education. The schedule for presentation and review of budget proposals shall comply with Oregon law and regulations, and provide adequate time for Board of Education to study.
Budget development shall meet the following criteria:
- The annual budget shall support the College’s strategic and educational plans.
- Assumptions upon which the budget is based are presented to the Board of Education for review.
- A schedule is provided to the Board of Education by September 1 of each year that includes dates for presentation of the tentative budget, public hearing(s), Board of Education meetings related to budget development, and approval of the final budget. At the public hearings, interested persons may appear and address the Board of Education regarding the proposed budget or any item in the proposed budget.
- Changes in the assumptions upon which the budget was based shall be reported to the Board of Education in a timely manner.
- Budget projections address long-term goals and commitments.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6250 Budget Management
NWCCU Standard 2.E.3
ORS 294.305 to ORS 294.565 (Local Budget Law)
The budget shall be managed in accordance with Board Policy, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and Oregon statute. Budget revisions shall be made only in accordance with these policies and as provided by law.
The Oregon Coast Community College’s unrestricted general reserves shall be no less than 10% of budgeted expenditures.
Revenues accruing to the Oregon Coast Community College in excess of amounts budgeted shall be added to the Oregon Coast Community College’s reserve for contingencies. They are available for appropriation only upon a resolution of the Board of Education that sets forth the need according to major budget classifications in accordance with applicable law.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6300 Fiscal Management
2 Code of Federal Regulations Sections 200.302(b)(6)-(7), 200.305, 200.400 et seq.
ORS 294.305 to 294.565
NWCCU Standard 2. E.3
The President shall establish procedures to assure that the Oregon Coast Community College’s fiscal management is in accordance with Board Policy, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, Oregon statute, and Federal Regulations.
Accordingly, the President shall:
- Avoid fiscal jeopardy and assure that actual expenditures reflect Board priorities as established in budgets and policies
- Establish and maintain an adequate internal control structure and procedures for financial operations and reporting.
- Ensure fiscal objectives, procedures, and constraints are communicated to the Board of Education and employees.
- Ensure adjustments to the budget are made in a timely manner, when necessary.
The President will present a quarterly report showing the financial and budgetary conditions of the Oregon Coast Community College to the Board of Education.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6320 Investments
ORS 294.805 to 294.895 (Local Government Investment Pool)
The President is responsible for ensuring that the funds of the Oregon Coast Community College not required for the immediate needs of the College be invested. Investments shall be in accordance with state law.
Investments shall be made based on the following criteria:
• The preservation of principal shall be of primary importance.
• The investment program must remain sufficiently flexible to permit the College to meet all operating requirements.
• Transactions that might impair public confidence should be avoided.
The college shall maintain a current investment administrative policy that applies to all funds budgeted and accounted for in the college’s annual financial report, with the exception of funds held in custody by the country treasurer or fiscal officer and deferred employee compensation. The primary objectives in managing excess funds will be preservation of principal, liquidity to meet cash requirements, and maximizing the rate of return on the financial portfolio. Safety of funds shall be the paramount goal.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6330 Purchasing
ORS 279A, ORS 279B
Oregon Community College Rules of Procurement
The President is delegated the authority to purchase supplies, materials, apparatus, equipment and services as necessary to the efficient operation of the Oregon Coast Community College.
Only the President, or formally designated representatives, may commit the College to financial obligations or contractual agreements. This authority may be delegated by the President to other administrative officers to meet special needs. No obligation may be incurred unless it has been first authorized in the budget or by the budget change process. Any person otherwise obligating the College financially or contractually may be held personally liable for such obligation.
Needed goods and services should be obtained at the lowest possible costs while meeting the quality needs of the College. If price and quality are the same, preference shall be given to vendors within the College District. The purchasing power of the College shall not be used for private or personal benefit.
All procurement on behalf of the College shall be executed in accordance with the requirements of Public Contracting Code 279A.050 (Procurement Authority), 279A.055 (Personal Services Contracts), 279A.060 (Local contract review Boards), 279A.070 (Rules) and Community College Rules of Procurement.
The following purchase limits apply to all College purchases (all dollar amounts are annual):
• Purchasing amounts of $25,000 to $99,999.99 require three written quotations that will be reported to the Board of Education.
• Purchases amounting to $100,000 or more require final approval by the Board of Education.
• Purchases of $100,000 or more that are exempted from the formal bidding process will be reported to the Board of Education.
All transactions above $25,000 (annually) under this policy that do not require Board approval shall be reported to the Board of Education at least quarterly.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6340 Bids and Contracts
NWCCU Standard 2.A.26
ORS 279A, ORS 279B, ORS 279C
Community College Rules of Procurement
The Board of Education delegates to the President the authority to enter into contracts (including Intergovernmental Agreements) on behalf of the Oregon Coast Community College and to establish administrative procedures for contract awards and management, subject to the following:
• Contracts above an annual value of $100,000 are not enforceable obligations until they are ratified by the Board of Education.
• Contracts for work to be done, services to be performed or for goods, equipment or supplies to be furnished or sold to the entity that exceed the amounts specified in Board Policy 6330 shall require prior approval by the Board of Education.
• College procedures and rules will provide for the fair and equitable treatment of all persons involved in public purchasing by the College, to maximize the purchasing value (e.g. vendor’s ability to respond, reputation of bidding firm, quality of both materials and services) of public funds and procurement, and to provide safeguards for maintaining a procurement system of quality and integrity.
• The college will at all times respect the public trust, avoiding any real or perceived favoritism in purchasing and contractual matters. Administrative rules of the college will be strictly adhered to by all agents of the college.
• The OCCC Board of Education acts as the college’s local contract review board.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6400 Financial Audits
NWCCU Standard 2.E.1
ORS 297.425 ORS 341.709
There shall be an annual outside audit of all funds, books and accounts of the College. The President shall assure that an annual outside audit is completed consistent with the requirements of Oregon Municipal Audit Law. The President shall annually recommend a certified public accountancy firm to the Board of Education with which to contract for the annual audit, and the Board shall appoint the independent auditor. The audit report and findings will be presented to the Board of Education within two months of the completion of the audit.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6455 Travel
Oregon Government Ethics ORS 244.
The President is authorized to attend conferences, meetings and other activities that are appropriate to the functions of the College.
The President shall establish procedures regarding the attendance of other employees at conferences, meetings, or activities. The procedures shall include authorized expenses, advance of funds, and reimbursement.
All travel outside the United States must be approved in advance by the Board of Education.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6500 Property Management
ORS 341.290
The President is delegated the authority to act as the Board of Education’s negotiator regarding all property management matters that are necessary for the benefit of the Oregon Coast Community College.
No transaction regarding the sale or exchange of real property by the College shall be enforceable until acted on by the Board of Education itself.
The President shall establish such procedures as may be necessary to assure compliance with all applicable laws relating to the sale, lease, use, or exchange of real property by the College.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6520 Security for College Property
ORS 341.290
The President shall establish procedures necessary to manage, control, and protect the assets of the Oregon Coast Community College including, but not limited to,
1. Ensure sufficient security to protect property, equipment, and information from theft, loss, or significant damage.
2. Ensure the organization’s public image or credibility, guiding against actions that would hinder the accomplishment of its mission.
3. Ensure the organization, its Board, or staff, are not unnecessarily exposed to claims of liability.
4. Protect intellectual property, information, and files (digital and paper) from loss or significant damage
5. Ensure that plant and equipment are not subjected to improper wear and tear or insufficient maintenance.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6540 Insurance and Risk
ORS 30.282, ORS 341.290(22)
The President shall be responsible to secure insurance for the College which shall include but is not limited to the liabilities described here. The College may participate in a joint powers arrangements, or may engage in a course of self-insurance for the purposes described in this policy.
The President will ensure the College maintains a portfolio of insurance coverage sufficient to manage its property and liability risks, provide for the health and well-being of employees, protect the College and its employees while performing assigned duties, and protect students while participating in college sponsored activities. The President shall also designate responsibility for managing these related functions:
1. Determine how much risk the College will assume, and how much to transfer to external insurance pools.
2. Insure against theft and casualty losses and against liability losses to Board members, staff, and the organization itself, in an amount similar to the average for comparable organizations.
3. Prevent uninsured personnel from access to material amounts of funds.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6550 Disposal of Property
ORS 341.290 (5), ORS 271.300 to 271.360
The President is delegated authority by the Board of Education to declare as surplus such personal property of the Oregon Coast Community College as is no longer useful for the Oregon Coast Community College’s purposes and shall establish procedures to dispose of such property in accordance with applicable law. All sales of surplus personal property shall be reported to the Board of Education on a periodic basis. This policy shall not be construed as authorizing any representative of the Oregon Coast Community College to dispose of surplus real property at any time.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6600 Capital Construction
ORS 341.290(20)
The President is responsible for planning and administrative management of the College’s capital outlay and construction program.
The College’s construction projects shall be supervised by the President. The Vice President of Administrative Services shall ensure the monitoring of progress of all construction work including inspection of workmanship, completion of work to meet specifications, and the suitability of proposed changes to the scope and original design of the work.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6700 Facilities Use
ORS 341.290(4)
There are certain facilities on College’s campus and centers that are suitable for public use. Use of these facilities will be approved pursuant to procedure and as provided by law and this Board Policy. The President shall establish procedures regarding the use of College property and facilities, including property designated by the College as suitable for use by community groups, outside contractors, and others.
The procedure shall reflect the requirements of applicable law, and shall include reasonable rules regarding the time, place, and manner of use of the College’s facilities. They shall assure that persons or organizations using the College’s property are charged such fees as are authorized or required by law. Public use of the College’s property shall not interfere with scheduled instructional programs or other activities of the College on behalf of students.
No group or organization may use the Oregon Coast Community College’s property to unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, military or veteran status, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation, or on any basis prohibited by law.
In granting permission to use these facilities, the College will not discriminate on the basis of viewpoint with regard to organizations engaging in expressive activities on the topics and subject matters articulated above.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6750 Parking
ORS 341.300
The President shall establish such administrative procedures regarding vehicles and parking on campus as are necessary for the orderly operation of the instructional program. No person shall drive any vehicle or leave any vehicle unattended on the campus except in accordance with such procedures.
Parking fees may be established in accordance with board policies.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6800 Occupational Safety
29 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 1910.101 et seq.;
49 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 40 and 655;
ORS 654 (Oregon Safe Employment Act)
The President shall establish administrative procedures to ensure the safety of employees and students on the College’s sites, including the following:
• Compliance with the United States Department of Transportation regulations implementing the Federal Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991. o Specifically, the College shall comply with the regulations of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and, if applicable, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
o Compliance with these policies and procedures may be a condition of employment.
• Establishment of an Injury and Illness Prevention Program in compliance with applicable OSHA regulations and state law. These procedures shall promote an active and aggressive program to reduce or control safety and health risks.
• Establishment of a Hazardous Material Communications Program, which shall include review of all chemicals or materials received by the Oregon Coast Community College for hazardous properties, instruction for employees and students on the safe handling of such materials, and proper disposal methods for hazardous materials.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019
6802 Integrated Pest Management
ORS 634.700 to 634.750
Oregon Coast Community College shall adopt and implement an integrated pest management plan (IPM) which emphasizes the least possible risk to students, employees, and community members and shall adopt a list of low-impact pesticides for use with the IPM plan. See Admin Policy 6802
DATE OF ADOPTION: 01/15/2020
6900 Auxiliary Services Including Bookstore
References: None
The Board may recognize and approve auxiliary organizations established for the purpose of providing to the District any and all supportive services, specialized programs, and functions. The president shall establish the administrative procedures necessary to fully comply with the law relating to auxiliary organizations. Contracts for outside vendors to operate auxiliary services shall be awarded by competitive bid, submitted to the Board for approval, and awarded in the best interests of the students.
Your College Store (YCS) is established and operated by the College. YCS functions as both the bookstore serving student academic needs, and also as a food provider for staff and students. Operational costs of YCS shall be paid from revenue earned from YCS. Fiscal management of YCS shall be in accordance with accounting practices as required by State and Federal law and its records shall be included in the annual audit of the College, the results of which will be presented to the Board of Education.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 03/20/2019