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LPN-RN Pathway: Please Read

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Oregon Coast Community College: Multiple Measures Placement Process
OCCC’s placement process recognizes the success, rigor, and accuracy of high school courses and grades. As a result, we are including high school grades in our placement process.
- Understanding that the use of placement testing alone has not been accurately placing students.
- Acknowledging that under-placement is a barrier to student success and completion.
- Developing a process grounded in research and best-practice.
- Creating an equitable and inclusive process.
The placement process at OCCC starts with an initial advising appointment to discuss academic and career goals. The academic advisor uses the following information to place students:
- Cumulative High School GPA as well as specific grades in writing and math courses.
- Smarter Balanced Scores (high school proficiency).
- SAT/ACT scores.
- GED scores.
- Transcripts from previous colleges or universities.
- Past work or academic experience.
- Placement documents created by writing faculty.
- Placement documents created by math faculty.
- Referrals to Math and Writing faculty If additional assessment is needed.
Advising and Student Success Resources
Academic Calendar (important dates)
Career and Major Exploration
OCCC Career and Transfer Readiness Center
Oregon CIS (assessments and career information)
Oregon Employment Department: Quality Information, Informed Choices
What Can I do with a Major In…
What Can I do with a Major In… (2)
More majors & careers information
Setting up My.Oregoncoast (How-to-guide)
Course Registration (How-to guide)
Dropping a Course (How-to guide)