Remote Teaching
We have gathered several recommendations and resources on some actions you, as course instructors, may take to adapt and make the shift to remote delivery quickly. Thank you to the Learning Innovation Center, Oregon State University, for permission to re-use some of their content for inclusion here.
Tech setup and pre-check for remote teaching:
At a minimum, instructors should be prepared to use both Canvas and Zoom. If campus is closed or if you are not able to come to campus, you’ll need a computer and an internet connection to use Canvas and Zoom. You can use a cell phone or tablet for basic communication, such as recording an announcement or lecture. It’s important to test your equipment and connections well in advance.
- All OCCC faculty should now have a Zoom Pro account. You can use the Zoom app to record Zoom sessions from your phone or tablet if you choose.
- Then use this handout to learn how to put your Zoom sessions into Canvas: Faculty Plan
- If you aren’t already using Canvas for anything except your gradebook and course syllabus, please see the Instructor Guide to set up the rest of your course.
- Laptops and microphone/cameras are available to faculty through Library Services. Please contact them prior to any closures to reserve: 541-867-8526.
Communicate with students:
Post an announcement in Canvas as soon as possible to inform students about how the course will continue to be delivered, how additional communications about changes will be communicated, and what your expectations are regarding how often they should be checking Canvas. See this guide on how to add announcements to your course: Adding an Announcement in Canvas and how to use the Inbox as an instructor.
A sample communication to students within the first 24 hours of the campus disruption:
Dear Students,
During the campus disruption, we will be using Canvas to continue engaging with course content and activities. Please be sure to continue to check Canvas for updates on a daily basis.
- To communicate with all of you as a class, I will use… (Canvas announcements, Canvas messages, Zoom office hours or help sessions, etc.)
- To deliver course content, I will be… (holding live Zoom sessions at the regularly scheduled course meeting time, posting recorded videos, etc.)
- As a means for us to interact, I will be… (holding live Zoom sessions, creating Canvas discussion boards, etc.)
- Please also be prepared to submit upcoming assignments through Canvas.
Deliver course content to students:
Consider how you will prepare several sessions of course content, including assignments and assessments, which could be delivered via Canvas even if your course is scheduled to be taught face-to-face. Every credit class has already been using Canvas for posting syllabi and sharing the gradebook, so we have a strong start.
Here are the recommended tools and approaches for delivering course content during a remote-teaching period using Canvas, Zoom and other systems:
- Live and/or recorded Zoom sessions for up to 300 attendees
- Take advantage of your usual course time slot and post a Zoom meeting link in your Canvas site to help students join
- Or use the Canvas Rich Text Editor recorder built in to your Canvas course.
- Or, use Canvas tools to post content and links (e.g., readings, YouTube videos, etc.)
- Is your content accessible to all students? Use Ally to help improve accessibility:
Special considerations
- Labs: Would it be possible to put part of the work online or reschedule the lab when campus facilities are again available?
- Other tools that require paid student accounts or additional faculty setup should only be used if they are already part of the course
Identify expectations for students
Consider some of your expectations for students, including participation, communication, and deadlines. Keep in mind the impact this situation may have on students’ abilities to meet those expectations, including illness, lacking power or internet connections, or needing to care for family members. Be ready to equitably handle requests for extensions or accommodations. Syllabi and course activities including graded work may need to be adjusted after the start of the term based on changing circumstances due to COVID-19.
Class interaction between faculty and students
In order to maintain substantive interaction with your students during a remote-teaching period, you should do this via the Canvas discussion board and/or Zoom.
Instructor-to-student interaction
- Canvas announcements
- Canvas messages
- Zoom office hours/help sessions
Student-to-student interaction
- Discussion boards
- For large classes and/or classes with small group work, consider setting up Canvas Groups and setting discussions to use those groups
- If delivering session live via Zoom, students can interact in chat or ask questions
- Students can set up their own Zoom meetings outside of Canvas
Deliver assessments and collect student submissions. Below are some possible options.
- Set up Canvas assignments to collect work — collecting assignments via email or other methods is not recommended, due to data security concerns
- Canvas quizzes
- High-stakes assessments will be challenging
- Consider rescheduling if midterms are interrupted
- Consider an alternative, non-multiple-choice exam assessment where students solve a problem and show work/justification of answers, then submit as a regular Canvas assignment
Utilize resources from your own online courses
If you have taught online courses previously, you may use some of those existing, already-developed online resources to aid in the delivery of your campus courses being taught remotely. Follow directions for copying content from one section to another.
Practices to avoid:
- Holding synchronous class meetings, such as via Zoom, at a time and day the class is not scheduled to meet
- Extending class beyond the time the class usually meets
- Adding a class session during finals week
- Extending the course so that it ends after finals week
- Rescheduling finals
- Increasing the amount of work students are expected to do
- Asking students to do the same amount and kind of work the syllabus initially expected them to do while (a) compressing the work into a shorter time period and/or (b) reducing their access to instructor, peer or campus resources; if you have more content than time, reflect on the student learning outcomes for your course and focus on those that are the most important
- Teaching via individual consultation and tutorial unless you were going to do that anyway, such as office hour and normal individual email communications
- Outside of Canvas and Zoom, using additional technologies or tools you normally don’t use in the course, which may impair your students due to inaccessibility or additional costs.
Helpful Contacts:
- Canvas Support Hotline (Faculty) +1-833-822-0335
- OCCC Canvas Admin Support:
- OCCC IT Support:
- OCCC Office of Instruction:
- OCCC Library: or 541-867-8526
Some page content was re-used with permission from the Learning Innovation Center, Oregon State University.