Bridging the Gap: Community Resource Fair
Tuesday, October 8 | 10am – 2pm
On October 8, Oregon Coast Community College will host its annual Student Resource Fair. The day is meant to showcase the resources available within the county that can assist students in meeting their non-academic and/or basic needs, including but not limited to: housing and food insecurity, mental and emotional health, physical health, childcare issues, and flexible employment opportunities.
The goal of our event is to connect students to local community agencies while allowing them to put a face to the name of the participating organizations. Help is available while they pursue their education.
If you would like to learn more, then please consider reaching out to Tracy Jones or 541-867-8544.
Attending organizations at the 2023 event that OCCC has invited for 2024 include:
- Community Service Consortium (CSC)
- Newport WorkSource
- 2-11
- DPS Connections
- Tribal 477 Self-Sufficiency Program
- Housing Authority
- Newport Veterans Services
- Lincoln County Transportation
- Lincoln County Public Health
- Newport Food Pantry
- Samaritan Health Services
- Pollywog
- Lincoln City Hope Center
- Olalla Center
- OR Health Ins & Marketplace
- Newport Library