Sick Leave Legislation Related to Coronavirus

Prepared by Wendy Ludwig, OCCC SBDC | Posted Sunday, March 22, 2020

New federal legislation providing paid sick leave and additional FMLA protection in response to the COVID-19 pandemic becomes effective April 2, 2020 and is intended to ease the economic impact of the global pandemic on employees.  I have uploaded two excellent articles covering the rules on sick pay and child care.   Potential exceptions for very small employers are likely, but the Labor Department has not yet issued administrative rules.


New federal protections for COVID-19/coronavirus take effect April 2nd​

*Note the link called “Summary of the law from National Law Review” was written before the legislation was finalized, so we’re not sure if it takes into account the conference changes to the bill.

Wendy Ludwig
(To schedule a free one-on-one business advising session with Wendy, click this link to request an appointment.)