Mission Fulfillment & Core Theme Indicators
Student Achievement Measures
Student Achievement Measures represent a subset of College Core Theme sub-objectives that are identified as focus areas for benchmarking and for disaggregation of results, to assist the College in evaluating and achieving equitable outcomes for OCCC students. Students measured include first-generation college students, a subset of the student body. As such, publication of the “n” representing the number of students and the disaggregated totals in each subcategory may inadvertently reveal identifiable student information. To preserve and protect student privacy and confidentiality, these “n”s are not published here but can be provided on request. Percentage measurement levels are provided and utilized in review and analysis.
Visit Student Achievement Page
Oregon Coast Community College is in the process of updating some of these Student Achievement Measures. Check back to this page for the latest information.
Programmatic Assessment
2022 Mid-Cycle SPAR Examples
- 2022 AQS SPARC
- 2022 Advising SPARC
- 2021 Medical Assisting SPARE
- 2021 Human Resources SPARE
- 2021 Registrar SPARE
- 2021 Writing SPARE
- 2021 Nursing SPARE
SPAR Templates
- Instructional SPARE (Update 2022)
- Instructional SPARC (Update 2022)
- Service Area SPARE (Update 2022)
- Service Area SPARC (Update 2023)
SPAR Reporting Schedule
Learning Outcomes Assessment
Course Outcome Assessment
Comprehensive Institutional Learning Outcomes (CILO) Assessment
- Communication CILO Outcomes Assessment (jotform)
- Cultural Awareness CILO Outcomes Assessment (jotform)
- Personal Responsibility CILO Outcomes Assessment (jotform)
- Problem Solving CILO Outcomes Assessment (jotform)
Learning Outcomes Assessment Resources