Rural Program offers low-cost legal assistanceSBLC Programs

Service provided by the Lewis & Clark Small Business Legal Clinic

This May, the Oregon Coast Community College Small Business Development Center is welcoming the Lewis & Clark Small Business Legal Clinic to host a 1.5-hour session on general business law issues.

The SBLC is also offering a new Rural Entrepreneur Program that will allow businesses to register for services and, for just a $25 enrollment fee, receive up to 10 hours of legal assistance for free. The ten hours of assistance is delivered by the same attorney.

Typical SBLC clients receive help in such things as Human Resources, trademark registering, registering copyrights, and other legal matters. The Center typically charges $25 per legal issue for businesses that meet certain income criteria. For those who don’t fit those limits (i.e. for slightly larger businesses), the Center offer’s “low-bono” services for just over $110 per hour.

If you’d like to register for low-cost legal assistance, click here to register online.


Free Business Law presentation via Zoom coming Thursday, May 28

On Thursday, May 28, Oregon Coast entrepreneurs are invited to participate in a general business law presentation via Zoom. The session will be held from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursday, May 28. {Register for free, here!}

Attendees who learn more about the SBLC program will be provided with information detailing how they can follow up on the legal issues most pressing for them with the low-cost services the program offers. Businesses planning their recovery from the COVID crisis face negotiations with vendors and leaseholders, they have myriad HR issues to address, and many  are making short- and long-term financial and business structure adjustments to survive in the future. Many of these issues would benefit from affordable conversations with attorneys.

Register here to participate in the free Zoom business law presentation.