Succeeding in an Online Environment: Tips and Tricks
- Make sure you have consistent access to a computer and a reliable internet connection.
- If you need Internet access or use of a computer at Oregon Coast Community College, come in and visit. Please note our distancing and Covid-response policies, posted throughout the campus locations.
- Prior to the term starting, spend time learning to maneuver in Canvas.
- Once you’re set up in the system, watch a tutorial to learn the logistics of your online classroom.
- Take advantage of available training, such as Canvas Student Tutorials.
- Be prepared, online learning requires organization.
- This starts with knowing what you’re getting into. Before your course begins, read the syllabus for an idea of what to expect. Many resources, such as the syllabus, are located in Canvas
- Throughout the course, make sure you read all announcements, participate in discussions, and do the readings and assignments.
- Keep all deadlines in mind. (Consider a digital calendar for ongoing reminders of dates).
- It’s also helpful to have your instructor’s contact information handy.
- Schedule your studies, time management skills are essential.
- Specific login times aren’t typically required, but you will encounter deadlines.
- Some courses do have specific times you must be online, so ensure you are available during those times.
- Find a groove that works best for you, but ensures you avoid procrastination and stay engaged in class.
- Set reasonable expectations for study hours and stick to the plan. Establish rules for yourself, and your family, for study time.
- How to Effectively Study for an Online Course
- Specific login times aren’t typically required, but you will encounter deadlines.
- Log in daily.
- Sign in at least once a day, even if you don’t have an assignment due, to stay in the loop and on top of your studies.
- Even if not required, setting a regular login routine is an excellent habit to form so you don’t miss important updates or helpful discussion posts from your classmates.
- Take initiative.
- If you have a question, use email, chat or phone calls with your instructor and peers. Your online learning community will only be as strong as the effort you invest in it.
- Engage in online discussions with your peers and share your thoughts in a respectful, constructive manner.
- Unlike on campus classes, there is no hiding out in the back row of a virtual classroom. Everyone participates, and it’s up to you to stay involved.
Basic Computer help
If you are worried that your computer skills will prohibit you successfully learning in an online environment? These videos can help you master the basic computer skills needed for study.
- Basic Computing Skills – Orientation: Desktop Basics
- Windows Basics, Getting Started with the Desktop: Navigating Windows – Getting Started