Performance Assessment

Oregon Coast Community College (OCCC) is committed to the ensuring that all staff have an assessment that provides an opportunity for an interactive conversation that leads to professional growth, acknowledgement of success and continued commitment to our OCCC values of:

  •  Accountability: We accept responsibility for our actions and commit to transparent practices.
  • Collaboration: We purposefully build partnerships to achieve common goals.
  • Excellence: We hold ourselves to the highest standards and are committed to continuously improving the work we do.
  • Inspiration: We show curiosity, illuminate new possibilities and ignite the joy of thinking well.
  • Integrity: We act with honesty and authenticity to foster a culture of ethics and respect that embodies our work and serves the community.
  • Learning: We celebrate the life-long process of developing valuable knowledge and skills.
  • Sustainability: We are responsible stewards of our financial, material, natural and human resources.
  • Equity: We embrace diversity and address the inequities and barriers that prevent people from learning and working to their full potential.

Assessment is a formal process by which a supervisor reviews an employee’s past performance and plans with them for future performance.
The purpose of assessment is to provide employees feedback concerning job performance, to let employees know what is expected of them and to provide supervisors with information to aid in assessing staffing needs and budget planning, etc.

A good assessment contains no surprises and is done with mutual respect and understanding. Assessments are fair, objective, job-based and focused on improving performance.

• Executive/Manager/Technical Assessment guidelines
o American Association of Community Colleges – Competencies for Community College Leaders
o Executive/ Manager/Technical Assessment Input
o Executive/Manager/Technical Assessment Form
o Employee Responsibilities and Goals
• Classified/Confidential Assessment guidelines
o Classified/Confidential 90-day Assessment form
o Classified/Confidential Assessment Form
o Employee Responsibilities and Goals
• Establishing performance goals