Here is a list of internet options that are available if you don’t have internet at home:


    • They are currently waiving late fees and will not disconnect customers for at least 60 days. CenturyLink

Charter Spectrum

    • Charter is offering free Spectrum broadband for 60 days for college students who don’t already have a Spectrum broadband account. Call 1-844-488-8395 to apply.
    • Charter is also offering free public access to their wifi hotspots

Pioneer Communications

    • If you already have Pioneer or Peak internet, they are offering to upgrade accounts that are greater than 10Mbps to the next higher speed at no cost. Pioneer Internet

Wave Broadband

    • Offering capped high-speed plans, customers can make the plan unlimited for an extra $20. Wave Broadband Internet

Mobile Hotspots

    • Many mobile carriers like AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon have pledged to suspend overage charges on internet data and/or are adding additional data to current plans to allow for the use of mobile high-speed hotspots.


    • Many other internet service providers have pledged to “Keep Americans Connected” by preventing the loss of internet and phone during the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit FCC for more information.