As you leave Oregon Coast Community College (OCCC) to start a new chapter in your life, there are responsibilities that you have to ensure a successful employment separation process. This guide and the exit checklist are presented by Human Resources to provide you with the tools to help manage your exit from OCCC.
Employees leaving OCCC for any of the following reasons should follow the exit guidelines:
- Retirement
- Resignation
- Not returning for the next term
- Obtained employment with another Oregon state agency
Employees, Prior to your last day
Submit a written resignation/retirement notice.
Provide your supervisor with a letter of resignation/retirement a minimum of 2 weeks prior to your last day on campus. The resignation/retirement letter should then to be forwarded to Human Resources with an acceptance/acknowledgement by the supervisor.
- Discuss with your supervisor about using your remaining leave time (if applicable) and scheduling your last day on campus.
- Your resignation/retirement notice letter should include your date of resignation/retirement and your last day on campus.
- If you are unsure of how to write a resignation/retirement letter, we have developed Resignation Retirement notice template for your use.
- Note: If you have accepted employment with another Oregon state agency, please be sure to indicate this information in your letter in order to make your transition to the new agency as smooth as possible.
Print out the exit checklist.
- You will need to complete the tasks listed in the Employee section of the exit checklist. Your supervisor will work with you to ensure that all tasks listed in the Supervisor & Employee section are completed, as well. (Not all items on the exit checklist will apply to every employee.)
- Once the checklist has been completed in its entirety, including signatures, it is your supervisor’s responsibility to submit it to the Human Resources office.
Benefits and Payroll
- The HR Manager will assist you with benefit related questions. Please contact Human Resources: 541-867-8515.
- Payroll can assist you with your final leave amounts and setting your last day. Final time reports or leave reports should be prepared and submitted to your supervisor prior to your last day on campus.
Review the IT exit procedures to understand when your accesses to OCCC IT systems will be terminated.
Employees , During your final days on campus
- You will continue to have access to the paycom when you are no longer employed, however, you may want to print and/or save your earnings statements, W-2’s.
- Update departmental procedures manual or processes that require unique steps to perform your job and should be recorded for the person who will take your place.
- Work with your supervisor on the transition of work in progress, projects, etc.
- If applicable, submit grades to the Registrar, or if you will not be on campus, work with your supervisor to have the grades processed.
- Provide closure to your commitments to OCCC Foundation.
- Forward your personal emails from your email account.
- Clean workspace and desk of personal belongings
- OCCC ID card (ID card): This card is your property and does not need to be returned.
Guide for supervisors of exiting employees
As your employee leaves Oregon Coast Community College to move on to a new chapter in his/her life, there are responsibilities that you have, as a supervisor, to ensure a positive exiting experience, as well as a seamless transition. This guide and the exit checklist are presented by Human Resources to provide you with tools to help manage the employee separation process.
Supervisors, Prior to employee’s last day
- First and foremost, you will need to ensure your exiting employee provides you with a written resignation notice, the original of which needs to be forwarded to HR. Resignation Retirement notice template
- It is imperative that you obtain from the employee a list of any programs, website and/or software for which they have access. You will need to determine whether or not access needs to be disabled or transferred to someone another person within your department/unit.
- Communicating with the employee to obtain details and progress on projects and job responsibilities will help ensure a smooth transition of those duties to others in the department.
- Supervisors are ultimately responsible for the collection of OCCC property, including but not limited to hardware (ie. cell phone, laptop, iPad, flash drives, etc.), keys and other miscellaneous equipment and supplies.
- Be sure to review the IT exit procedures.
- Ensure the exit checklist has been completed and turned into Human Resources.
- Specific items as listed on the exit checklist must be completed when an employee separates employment by resignation, involuntary separation, retirement, death. All items may not apply to a given individual.
- The checklist is divided into sections indicating items for which the employee is responsible, and a section that is the supervisor’s responsibility, in collaboration with the employee. Once the checklist has been completed in its entirety, including signatures, it is the supervisor’s responsibility to submit it to the Human Resources office.
Next steps
General housekeeping responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Submit final timesheet/leave report(s) to HR.
- Remove exiting employee’s name from forms, web site, contact lists, etc.
- Review recruitment information to plan for the replacement of exiting employee.
If you have any questions about the process or your responsibilities therein, please contact
Director of Human Resources AdministrationJoy Gutknecht