Discrimination Complaint Process

Oregon Coast Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, or religion in its programs and activities.  The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Bruce Clemetsen, 541-867-8511, bruce.clemetsen@oregoncoast.edu, or
Joy Gutknecht, 541-867-8515, joy.gutknecht@oregoncoast.edu
400 SE College Way, Newport, OR 97366

Initiating a complaint

Students, faculty/staff, and third-parties may initiative a complaint by contacting an individual listed above.  The College encourages individuals to file complaints of discrimination as close in time to the event as possible. The information provided in the complaint should be as specific as possible regarding the circumstances that precipitated the complaint.

Complaint Steps:

    1. File a complaint with the Vice President of Student Affairs or Director of Human Resources by contacting them by phone, email or in-person Bruce Clemetsen, 541-867-8511, bruce.clemetsen@oregoncoast.edu, or Joy Gutknecht, 541-867-8515, joy.gutknecht@oregoncoast.edu 400 SE College Way, Newport, OR 97366.

The complaint may include the following information:

    1. the dates and places of the incidents at issue,
    2. the names of individuals involved,
    3. the names of any witnesses,
    4. any actions taken in an attempt to resolve the matter and the result of these actions,
    5. and any other pertinent information,
    6. Expected outcome or resolution.
    1. After a complaint is submitted and filed, a determination will be made to investigate the complaint. If a complaint needs to be investigated, the complainant and respondent will be notified in writing of the investigation.  Within ten (10) working days of the receipt complaint, the Vice President of Student Affairs or Director of Human Resources, will investigate the complaint.  The investigation may include the following:
      1. Interview the aggrieved person (complainant).
      2. Interview the accused individual or unit/department (respondent).
      3. Interview witnesses.
      4. Take statements from the complainant, respondent, and witnesses.
      5. Review documents provided by the complainant, respondent, witnesses, or the department.
    2. The Vice President of Student Affairs or Director of Human Resources will issue a written decision to all parties no later than 30 working days after the investigation concludes.
    3. The complainant may appeal the decision in writing to the President at occc.president@oregoncoast.edu within 10 working days of the date the decision was received.

Statement of Non-Retaliation

Oregon Coast Community College prohibits retaliation, including intimidation, threatening, harassing, coercing, or any way discriminating against the individual(s) or subjecting the individual to a materially adverse action because of the individual’s complaint or participation in the grievance process.

Anyone who is aware of possible retaliation or has other concerns regarding the response to a complaint should report such concerns to:

Bruce Clemetsen, 541-867-8511, bruce.clemetsen@oregoncoast.edu, or
Joy Gutknecht, 541-867-8515, joy.gutknecht@oregoncoast.edu
400 SE College Way, Newport, OR 97366

The College is prepared to take any appropriate steps to protect individuals who have been subjected to or fear that they may be subject to retaliation. Students or employees who retaliate will face disciplinary action.

Students, staff, and third parties have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights, the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, or Oregon’s Bureau of Labor and Industries:

U.S. Dept. of Ed. Office of Civil Rights
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industries Civil Rights