OCCC Board of Education: Agendas and Minutes

On this page you’ll find the current calendar year’s OCCC Board of Education Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes. At the bottom of the page are links to past years’ calendars, agendas and minutes. Find copies of past President’s Reports presented at Board of Education meetings here.  Find the current Board of Education meeting calendar at:
Approved Calendar BOE 24-25 (July 2024)

       Board Meetings | Packets, Agendas & More

October 16, 2024
Business Meeting

October 2024 Business Meeting Agenda

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes September 11, 2024

A.d. Special Meeting Minutes September 30, 2024

C.a. President’s Report

C.b. Cybersecurity & Vulnerability Assessment for Oregon Coast

C.c. Clery Crime Reporting & Safety Report

C.d.i. Fiscal Report: 23-24 Quarter 4 Draft year-end

C.e. Annual Student Success Metrics

E.a. Project Management Review & Recommendation

E.b. Public Meetings in the Age of Zoom

September 30, 2024
Special Meeting

September 30, 2024 Special Meeting Agenda

Approved Special Meeting Minutes September 30, 2024


September 11, 2024
Executive Session & Business Meeting

September 11, 2024 Executive Session & Business Meeting Agenda

Approved Business Minutes September 11, 2024


A.c2. Business Meeting Minutes July 17, 2024

A.c.2. Special Meeting Minutes July 31, 2024

C.a. President’s Report

C.b. Adult Basic Skills/ESOL/Corrections

E.a. Bond Project Manager Update & Board Interface Points

Aug. 28, 2024
Executive Session

Aug. 28, 2024 Executive Session Agenda


Aug. 26, 2024
Executive Session

Aug. 26, 2024 Executive Session Agenda


July 31, 2024
Special Meeting

July 31, 2024 Special Meeting Agenda


Approved Special Meeting Minutes July 31, 2024

President Search Finalist Activities Overview


July 25, 2024
Executive Session

July 25, 2024 Executive Session Agenda


July 17, 2024
Business Meeting

July 2024 Business Meeting Agenda


Approved Business Minutes July 17, 2024

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes June 20, 2024

C.b. President’s Report

C.c. Bond Update July 2024

C.d. College Strategic Plan Update on Goals

C.e. Financials January to May 2024

C.f. South County & Engagement Updates

E.b. Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice

June 20, 2024
Business Meeting & Budget Hearing

June 2024 Business Meeting Agenda

Approved Business Minutes June 20, 2024

A.c. Budget Meeting Minutes May 15, 2024

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes May 15, 2024

A.d. Business Meeting Minutes May 22, 2024

C.a. President’s Report

C.b. Bond Update

D.a. President Search Process Update

E.a. 2024-2025 Board Meeting Calendar

E.c. 2024-2025 Budget Update

F.a. Budget Resolution 2024-06-01 Adoption of 2024-25 Budget and Appropriations

F.b. Budget Resolution 2024-06-02 Impose and Categorize Taxes for 2024-25

F.c. Resolution 2024-06-03 Resolution Authorizing the Sale of General Obligation Bonds

May 22, 2024
Special Meeting

May 22, 2024 Special Meeting Agenda

Approved Business Minutes May 22, 2024

C.b. Central Campus Reroof Project Guaranteed Maximum Price

May 15, 2024
Business Meeting

Business meeting to be held immediately after the Budget Committee meeting

May 2024 Business Meeting Agenda

Approved Business Minutes May 15, 2024

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes April 2024

A.e. Board Operations

C.a. President’s Report

C.b.ii. FY 2022-2023 Audit Results

C.c. Workforce Snapshot

F.c.iii. GMP Template A 133 Exhibit A

May 15, 2024
Budget Committee Meeting

May 2024 Budget Committee Meeting Agenda

Approved Budget Minutes May 2024

OCCC Budget Calendar FY 24-25

V. Oregon Budget Process

V. President’s Budget Message Presentation

President’s Budget Message FY 24-25

V.i. Proposed OCCC Budget FY 24-25

April 17, 2024
Business Meeting

April 2024 Business Meeting Agenda

Approved Business Minutes April 17, 2024

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes March 2024

C.a. President’s Report

C.b. 2nd Qtr Financial Report

C.c. Financial Aid Report

D.a. President Search Process Update

E.a. First Read: April Board Policy Review Packet Chapter 3

F.a. Updates to Board Calendar (May through September 2024)

March 20, 2024
Business Meeting

March 2024 Business Meeting Agenda

Approved Business Minutes March 20,2024

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes February 2024

A.c. OCCC/LCSD Joint Boards Work Session Minutes February 2024

A.c. Special Meeting Minutes February 28, 2024

C.a. President’s Report

C.b. Nursing and Allied Health Program Updates

C.c. Title IX, ADA, Drug & Alcohol

D.a. First Read: March Board Policy Review Packet Chapter 3

E.a. President Vacancy Committee Report

E.a.ii. Draft Next President Profile & Criteria

February 28, 2024
Special Meeting

Special Meeting Agenda

Approved Special Meeting Minutes February 28, 2024

B.a. Findings of Fact

February 21, 2024
Business Meeting

February 2024 Business Meeting Agenda

Approved Business Minutes February 21, 2024

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes January 2024

C.a. President’s Report

F.a. Newport Campus Roof, Next Steps

F.a. OCCC Central Campus Reroof Recommendation

February 21, 2024
OCCC & LCSD Joint Board Work Session

Work Session Agenda

Approved Work Session Minutes February 2024

B.a. Welding Program and OCATT Programming

B.b. Dual Enrollment Growth and Overview

C.c. Youth Entrepreneurship Program

CTE Event March 22, 2024

January 24, 2024
Business Meeting & Executive Session

January 2024 Business Meeting Agenda

January 24, 2024 Executive Session Agenda

Approved Business Meeting Minutes January 2024

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes December 2023

C.a. President’s Report

C.b. Newport Campus Roof, Next Steps

C.c. OCCC Library Update

E.a. Orientation to Board Policy 101


E.b. First Read: Board Policy Partial Chapter 3

F.a. First Read: Tuition and Fees 2024-2025 Recommendation

December 13, 2023
Business Meeting

December 2023 Business Meeting Agenda

Approved BOE Minutes December 2023

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes November 2023

D.a. President’s Report December 2023

C.b. SBDC Updates

G.a. Update to Bond Resolution

November 15, 2023
Business Meeting

November 2023 Business Meeting Agenda

Approved BOE Minutes November 2023

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes October 2023

A.d. Work Session Meeting Notes November 5, 2023

C.a. President’s Report November 2023

C.b. Student Success Equity & Inclusion

C.c. North Center Updates

C.d. Financials through Quarter #1 (current year)

F.a. First Read Board Resolution 2023-11-01: Calling Measure Election

F.b. Board Goals 2023-2024 Draft

November 5, 2023
Board Retreat Work Session

Board Retreat Agenda

Approved Work Session Meeting Notes November 5, 2023

Board Goals Worksheet 2023-2024

October 18, 2023
Business Meeting

October 2023 Business Meeting Agenda

Approved BOE Minutes October 2023

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes September 2023

C.a. President’s Report October 2023

C.b. Cybersecurity and Vulnerability Assessment for Oregon Coast

C.c. Deferred Maintenance & Clery Crime Reporting

C.d. Annual Board Level Success Metrics

G.a. Board Resolution 2023-10-01

September 20, 2023
Business Meeting

September 2023 Business Meeting Agenda

Approved BOE Minutes September 2023

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes July 2023

C.a. President’s Report September 2023

C.b. Engagement, Marketing, and Community Ed

C.c. Adult Basic Skills/ESOL/Corrections

C.d. 2022-23 Draft Year-End Financials

E.a. First Read April Board Policy Review Packet: Chapter 4

F.a. Annual Board Meeting Report & Focus Areas 2023-23

July 19, 2023
Business Meeting

July 2023 Business Meeting Agenda

Approved BOE Minutes July 2023

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes June 2023

C.a. President’s Report July 2023

G.b. Affirmation/Reaffirmation of OCCC Board of Education Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice

June 21, 2023
Budget Hearing & Business Meeting

June 2023 Budget Hearing & Business Meeting Agenda

Approved BOE Minutes June 2023

A.c. Budget Meeting Minutes May 2023

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes May 2023

F.b. Consult & Confer Letter for Lincoln City Proposed Nelscott Urban Renewal (Tax Increment Finance) Plan

G.a. Approval of Budget Resolution 2023-06-01, Adoption of 2023-24 Budget and Appropriations

G.b. Approval of Budget Resolution 2023-06-02, Impose and Categorize Taxes for 2023-24

G.e. 2023-2024 Board Meeting Calendar

May 17, 2023
Budget Committee Meeting



Business meeting to be held immediately after the Budget Committee meeting

May 2023 Budget Committee Meeting Agenda



May 2023 BOE Agenda

Approved Budget Meeting Minutes May 2023

Approved Business Meeting Minutes May 2023


OR Budget Process 2023
President’s Budget Message FY 23-24
Proposed OCCC Budget FY 23-24
OCCC Budget Calendar and Development Process FY 23-24


A.c. BOE Minutes April 2023
C.a. President’s Report May 2023
C.b. SBDC – State of the Center
F.d. Biennial Review and Update of Foundation and College Agreement, and Foundation By-Laws (first read)
F.e. Proposed BOE Calendar 2023-24

April 19, 2023 
Business Meeting

April 2023 Business Meeting Agenda

Approved BOE Minutes April 2023

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes March 2023

C.a. President’s Report April 2023

C.b. FY 21-22 Audit Results: Conor Delaney, Pauly Rogers & Co.

C.c. FY 21-22 College Financial Report

E.b. First Read: April Board Policy Review Packet

F.b. Reports and Communications to the Board

F.c. College Strategic Plan (2023-2028) Final

F.d. First Read: Proposed South County Center Garden Agreement

G.a. Tuition and Fees 2023-2024 Recommendation

March 15, 2023 
Business Meeting

March 2023 Business Meeting Agenda

Approved BOE Minutes March 2023 

A.c. Business Meeting Minutes February 2023

A.d. Joint OCCC & LCSD Board Work Session Minutes February 28, 2023

B.a. NWCCU Commission Letter – OCCC

C.a. President’s Report March 2023

E.b. First Read: Board Policy Review, Chapter 5 – Student Services

F.a. First Read: Tuition and Fees 2023-2024 Recommendation

G.a. Adopt OCCA Board Resolution: 2023 Community College Legislative Priorities

February 28, 2023 
OCCC and LCSD Joint Board Work Session

Work Session Agenda

Approved BOE Work Session Minutes February 28, 2023

B.a. OCCC & LCSD Academic Parterships

B.b. Allied Health Partnerships

B.c. Student Success Partnership

February 15, 2023 
Business Meeting

February 2023 Business Meeting Agenda

Approved BOE Minutes February 2023

A.c. Business Minutes January 2023

C.a. President’s Report February 2023

C.b. College Enrollment Update

E.a. First Read Board Policy Review Chapter 2 in entirety

F.c. Adopt Resolution 2023-02-01

January 18, 2023 
Business Meeting

January 2023 Business Meeting Agenda

Approved BOE Minutes January 2023 

A.c. Business Minutes November 2022

C.a. President’s Report January 2023

C.b. Bond Resolution Update

E.a. Board Policy Review First Read Chapter 1

E.b. Updated Zone Map and Precincts

E.c. College Strategic Plan 2023-2028: Year 1 Addendum

E.d. First Read: Resolution Calling Measure Election (contract bonded indebtedness)


BOE 2023-2024 Calendar

BOE 2022-2023 Calendar

BOE 2020-2021 Calendar
BOE 2019-2020 Calendar
BOE 2018-2019 Calendar 

Previous Years’ OCCC Board of Education Agendas & Minutes